
Welcome to my blog! In this video series, you’ll learn simple, straightforward and tested strategies and tactics to help you run a better business, have more fun and make more money.

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Real Retail TV Episodes:

Do This Right Now!

In this episode of Real Retail TV, you’re going to discover three shifts from reactive to proactive that you should be making right now.

Impact The Quality Of Your Outputs

In today’s episode of Real Retail TV, we’re going to talk about two really important things: inputs and outputs. Discover what kind of inputs you need to get the outputs that you desire to build the quality of life that you deserve.

What A Long Strange Year It’s Been

This has been a long, strange year. In this episode of Real Retail TV, I’ll reflect on how all of the uncertainty, stress, and anxiety of this past year will serve you well in the future.

A Contrarian View Of Retail Success

If I were to put 100 retailers in a room and ask, “What does success mean to you?” My guess is that 90% to 95% of the retailers that I was talking to would say a number of stores or profitability or annual sales. Their view of retail success is measured by some sort of objective standard. In this episode of Real Retail TV, I want to share my contrarian view of retail success.

My Predictions For The Future Of Retail

The future of independent retail has never, ever been brighter. Competitive advantages of the big department stores and Amazon have been diminished, if not eliminated and small to mid-sized brick and mortar independent retailers have new advantages. Watch this week’s episode of Real Retail TV to discover my predictions for the future of retail.

How To Make Your Promotions 10X More Profitable

Promotions do not only have to be about driving people into your store. You can make them omni-experiential! Using the ideas you’ll discover in this episode of Real Retail TV, you’ll be able to make your promotions ten times more profitable.

Dealing With Those Pesky Donation Requests

When I had my retail business, the sheer quantity of donation requests absolutely drove me crazy. I mean, it wasn’t just my local organizations that wanted money or donated merchandise, I found that I was getting requests from organizations 30, 40, 50 miles away that I didn’t even know. So, if those pesky donation requests are driving you crazy, then this episode of Real Retail TV is for you.

Don’t Make This Huge Mistake With Social Media

In this episode of Real Retail TV, I’m going to talk to you about a huge mistake a lot of people make with their social media marketing. You spend a lot of time, energy, and money on building your social media communities and it is so important to turn those relationships into contact information.

How To Prepare For The Post-Pandemic Future

The end of the pandemic is in sight! For most independent brick and mortar retailers, when this pandemic ends, sales are going to explode and there are going to be more opportunities for you than ever had before. So, in this episode of Real Retail TV, you’ll discover how you can prepare for the post-pandemic future!

How To Successfully Navigate Minimum Wage Increases

The upcoming minimum wage increases are causing a lot of consternation on the part of many independent retailers. In our WhizBang! Retailers Facebook group, someone asked, “What are you going to do about it?” There were over 200 comments, which means it’s a topic that needs to be addressed. So, in this episode of Real Retail TV, we’re going to talk about how to think about the wage increases and even more importantly, what you can do about it.

How To Get Off The Hamster Wheel

Do you sometimes feel like a hamster on a wheel who is running, running, running, and can’t get off? Or maybe like a juggler with too many balls in the air? This episode of Real Retail TV will teach you how to solve your big problems once and for all!

The Acceleration of Retail – Prediction For 2021

This episode of Real Retail TV, shares predictions for retail in 2021. It goes without saying that 2020 was an interesting year and 2021 will prove to be one also. Trends that we saw forming in 2019 will only accelerate in 2021. Watch now to discover what those trends are and what they mean for you.

Planning and Goal Setting For 2021 – It’s Going To Be Tricky

You don’t need to be told that planning and goal setting for 2021 is going to more difficult than it’s ever been. Today’s Real Retail TV will explore the idea of moving away from setting the traditional financial goals and focusing instead on process goals.

The Right Way To Handle Complaints & Difficult Customers

You’ve heard the old saying, “The customer is always right.” But, if you have been in retail for any amount of time, then you also know that really the customer is not always right, but the customer is always the customer. Today, we’re going to explore a counterintuitive way to deal with customer complaints and difficult customers.

Why You Should Love Holiday Returns

If you’re a brick and mortar retailer, you’ve got to love holiday returns. In this episode of Real Retail TV, you’ll learn 3 reasons why.

10 Ways To Sell Down Your Stock Levels

It is really important to bring your inventory levels down as low as possible before the end of the year because you want cash. Cash is king, particularly during a pandemic. So, today, you’re going to discover 10 ways that you can start to strategically bring your inventory levels down. BONUS: 5 of those ways require no discounting of your merchandise at all!

Taking The Mystery Out Of Motivation

We can all acknowledge that this is going to be an incredibly tricky holiday season and that the next several weeks are going to be, well, uncertain. And while several of the past episodes of Real Retail TV are about how to keep yourself motivated, one of your challenges is also to keep your team motivated. So, today, we’re going to take the mystery out of motivation.

How To Keep Your Momentum This Holiday Season

In this episode of Real Retail TV, we’re going to explore the importance of momentum and some techniques that you can use to keep your momentum going through this tricky holiday season.

A Contrarian Look At “Survival Mode”

Normally, there’s a negative connotation that comes with the term, “survival mode.” In today’s Real Retail TV, we’re going explore how “survival mode” can be a good thing.

How To Fire A Customer – Covid Edition

As you know, we are in the middle of a pandemic and we are probably on the verge of a horrible surge of the coronavirus. This surge will put tremendous pressure on everyone and it is important that we as people who deal with the public are understanding and compassionate. But, it is also really important that you take care of yourself, your mental state, your employees, and their mental states.

So, if you have customers that repeatedly treat you and your team poorly and influence you in a negative way, then this episode of Real Retail TV is for you!

6 Things You Must Start Thinking About Now

You’re probably tired of the pandemic. I’m tired of the pandemic. Your customers are tired of the pandemic. We don’t want to think about it. We don’t want to talk about it. We don’t want to deal with it. Unfortunately, as independent brick and mortar retailers, we have to. And starting to deal with it now is critical for this all-important fourth quarter. So, for this week’s Real Retail TV, I am going to share with you six things that I think are absolutely critical to start thinking about right now.

A Huge Shift In Retail Selling

A huge shift in retail selling happening this holiday season. Watch and discover why it’s important and how to be proactive about it.

Critical Advice For The Holidays

In this episode of Real Retail TV, you’ll discover what I think might be the most important thing for you to do this holiday season.

The Future Of Customer Engagement

Today’s episode of Real Retail TV talks about a bandwagon you better get on… omni-experiential retail! It is the future of customer engagement.

You Need A Deep Bench This Holiday Season

In this episode of Real Retail TV, we’re going to explore the critical importance of having a deep bench this holiday season. Not exactly sure what that means? Watch now to find out!

Feeling Burned Out & Unmotivated?

As entrepreneurs, we often think we have to be superman (or superwoman!) but you don’t! If you’re feeling burned out and stressed about your business (and maybe even a little guilty about those feelings) then this episode of Real Retail TV is for you.

The Subtle Shift That Saved My Business

In this episode of Real Retail TV, I am going to share with you something I learned the hard way so hopefully, you don’t make the same mistake I made. It was just a subtle shift that made all the difference to my business.

3 Ways To Disaster-Proof Your Retail Business

If 2020 has taught us anything it’s that the unknown and unexpected can strike at any moment with unanticipated consequences. In this episode of Real Retail TV taken directly from the 2020 [VIRTUAL] Retail Success Summit, you’ll learn 3 ways to prepare your business for when S%!# hits the fan.

Selling Ain’t What It Used To Be…

Even though the current selling environment is topsy-turvy and you HAVE to look at selling in a new, updated way the core concept of helping your customers get to the Perfect Purchase remains the same. In this episode of Real Retail TV taken directly from the 2020 [VIRTUAL] Retail Success Summit, we’ll reimagine selling.

10 Ideas In 10 Minutes

In this episode of Real Retail TV, you’re going to discover 10 super actionable ideas that you can put to use in your store right away. Using just one could make a HUGE difference in your business and life!

The #1 Thing You Need

Confidence is the single most important personality trait any retailer can possess. Many people incorrectly think confidence is something you “have,” but it’s not, it’s something you develop. In this episode of Real Retail TV, you’ll learn how to steadily increase yours!

What’s Your Motivation

One key factor in running a successful business is motivation. I’ll share what motivates me because it will help you gain clarity on what motivates you.

Between A Rock & A Hard Place

In this episode, we’ll talk about a dynamic that is a constant battle for many retail store owners and the current pandemic has made it even more difficult!

The WhizBang! Marketing System

This Real Retail TV comes from the 2018 Retail Success Summit. In it, you’ll learn about the WhizBang! Retail Marketing System.

3 Phases Of Retail Growth

This Real Retail TV comes straight from Bob’s keynote at the 2017 Retail Success Summit, you’ll discover the 3 phases of retail growth.

What You Need For Greatness

If you want to be great it is up to you! In this Real Retail TV, you’ll discover the three types of retailers and which one you need to be for greatness.

My Most Important Message…

This week’s video message is different than my typical Real Retail TV but I think it is a very important statement about my core values and our core values here at WhizBang! Retail Training. Please take a moment to watch it now.

Sell Emotions Not Products

Learn the common-sense secret that successfully sold over $3 MILLION of yo-yos and can be used easily in any retail business, plus more retail tips in this episode of Real Retail TV!

Mentally Compliment Your Customers

The information in this Real Retail TV is especially important right now during the pandemic when it’s so critical to engage every single customer.

To Mask Or Not To Mask…

In this Real Retail TV, I’m going to tackle a tough question: Should you require your team and customers to wear a mask while in your store?

5 Ways To Increase Your Average Sale

Foot traffic is down so it’s critical that you focus on maximizing each interaction with your customers. Watch this Real Retail TV to find out how.

3 Types Of Retailers

In this episode of Real Retail TV, you’re going to learn about the 3 different types of retailers. Do you fit into one of these descriptions?

When You Feel Like Giving Up…

This episode super important if you feel like giving up. In it, I’ll share 3 things you can start with if you are determined to get through this pandemic.

A Simple Problem Solving Process

In this episode of Real Retail TV, I’m going to share with you an absolutely amazing way that you can tap your team into your decision-making process.


In this episode of Real Retail TV, you’re going to discover a great technique I recently learned for dealing with annoying people or problems.

Assess, Adjust, Advance

In this episode of Real Retail TV, we’re going to explore how to make decisions during this uncertain time where things are changing daily, if not hourly.

Your Huge Competitive Advantage

In this episode of Real Retail TV, we’re going to talk about the single, most important thing you need to do in uncertain times! Learn what your huge competitive advantage is right now during the spread of the coronavirus.

The World’s Best Loyalty Program

In this Retail Retail TV, you’re going to discover the simplest (and best) customer loyalty program for independent, brick and mortar retail stores.

Use Your Heart

All shoppers have stuff going on that you don’t know about. You need to use your heart while helping them get to their Perfect Purchase.

Break This Bad Habit

In this Real Retail TV, you’ll discover how to break the bad habit of selling your customer what you like instead of what they want to buy.

Creating A Service Culture That SELLS!

This week’s episode of Real Retail TV will teach you the ultimate retail selling system to help you create a service culture that SELLS!

The Retailer’s Journey

In this episode of Real Retail TV, you’ll discover the 3 stages every independent retail store owner goes through as they grow and how you can move on to the next stage.

It Starts With You!

In this episode of Real Retail TV, I’m sharing my keynote from the 2018 Retail Success Summit, It Starts With You – Leadership, Management, & Creating A Culture Of Excellence.

Down & Dirty Get It Done Planning Process

Check out this episode of Real Retail TV to discover my Down & Dirty Get It Done Planning Process. It will help even the busiest store owners get a plan down on paper and have a road map to follow!

Your 2020 Habits

During the final Real Retail TV episode of 2019, I’m going to talk about why I flipped the script on my 2020 goals and why I think you should too!

3 Reasons To Love Holiday Returns

Are you a brick and mortar retailer? Then watch this Real Retail TV right away! In it, we’re going to talk about why you should love holiday returns.

Beating Burnout – Part 2

This Real Retail TV is the final episode in a two-part series on beating burnout. Burnout can happen anytime but you have to work harder at managing during the holidays.

Beating Burnout – Part 1

This episode of Retail Retail TV is super important to watch now during the busy holiday shopping season. In it, we’ll talk about the little things that chip away at you making you feel burned out and what you can do about them.

Talking Price During The Holidays

In this episode of Real Retail TV, we’ll discuss why you should ask your customers about price points when they are shopping with you during the holidays.

Your Holiday Customer

In today’s episode of Real Retail TV, we’re going to explore the differences between your regular, year-round customer and your holiday customer.

6 Deadly Distractions

In today’s episode of Real Retail TV, we’re going to talk about common distractions retailers face and how they are sucking away your time and your focus.

Making Memories

In this episode of Real Retail TV, we’ll talk about the important lesson surrounding the memories you’re making every day in your store.

My Best Habit

In this episode of Real Retail TV, you’ll discover a simple daily habit that can make a huge difference in your business and your life.

Skills vs. Ideas

Get ready to learn a super important distinction that will be invaluable to you as a store owner in this episode of Real Retail TV!

How Hard Can It Be?

In this episode of Real Retail TV, Bob Negen talks about what to do when you learn just how hard it can be to own a retail store.

The Power Of Perseverance

If you want to have a GREAT store and you are ready to work hard to make it happen then this episode of Real Retail TV is for you!

My Vacation Reading Strategy

In this episode Real Retail TV, you’ll learn my strategy to get the maximum blend of relaxation and inspiration out of your vacation reading list.

Promotions – The Big Picture

In this episode of Real Retail TV, you’ll learn, why promotions are so important, how they work, and how the different dynamics all fit together.

Escaping The Discount Trap

If you ever get caught in the trap of running too many discount-driven promotions in your store, then this episode of Real Retail TV is for you.

Manage Your Retail Sales Statistics

In this episode, you’ll discover four simple statistics that you can use to manage your team and make big increases in your retail store’s sales!

You Make A Difference

This episode is for EVERYONE who works in retail: owners, managers and team members. You are awesome, you make a difference, and you deserve a giant pat on the back for all you do.

Power Promotions

This special episode of Real Retail TV taken was straight from the Retail Rumble at the 2019 Retail Success Summit. In it, you’ll learn why having a robust calendar full of exciting things happening in your store is so important!

3 Ideas From The Retail Rumble

This special episode of Real Retail TV taken was straight from the Retail Rumble at the 2019 Retail Success Summit. In it, you’ll learn 3 of fabulous ideas shared to make you a better, happier, and more confident retailer!

Build A Bundle

Bundling products is a great way to build your bottom line and increase profits. Learn why in this episode of Real Retail TV!


Confidence is the single most important personality trait any retailer can possess. Many people incorrectly think confidence is something you “have,” but it’s not, it’s something you develop. In this episode, you’ll learn how to steadily increase yours!

Emotional Bank Account

The “Emotional Bank Account” is a marketing concept that most people don’t think about, but is absolutely critical to your retail marketing success.

Retail Store Hours

I am often asked, “what are the best hours for my store?” Here is my answer…

Good Chicken

Just as a chef wants to find the best chicken to create the finest chicken dish, you must find the best people to build the best team. This episode is titled “Good Chicken” and it may change the way you look at all your future prospective employees.

4 Ways To Get Most Out of Your Retail Pop Up Shop

Pop Up Shops: Temporary retail stores in malls, at community events and consumer shows have TONS of potential. Yet, many retailers don’t get all they can from the work they do. This episode shows you how to make the most of every Pop Up you host!

What Motivates You?

One key factor to running a successful business is motivation. I’m very clear about what motivates me, and so I’m going to share it with you here today. Not because I’m some wise sage, but because hopefully, by sharing my motivations with you, it will help you gain clarity on what motivates you.

Fifth Saturday Promotion

Every year, there are four months that have five Saturdays, and that fifth Saturday represents an opportunity for you to have a promotion. And of course, you can do whatever you want. You could have a customer appreciation. You can have a store wide clearance. You can have buy one get one’s. You can just use the fifth Saturday for an excuse for any type of promotion. But on this episode of Real Retail TV, I share my favorite promotion to use on these fifth Saturdays.

Inspiration vs Perspiration

On this episode of Real Retail TV, we’re going to talk about inspiration. Going into my trip to Colorado, I was tired and a little burned out. I was just going through the motions. As you know, I’m really passionate about helping you become more successful, but I wasn’t feeling it. And after a couple of days, out in Colorado unplugged from our business, I started to feel inspired, I started to become fired up again. On today’s episode I’m going to talk about the importance inspiration has on fueling that fire.

Retail Lessons From The Farmer’s Market

Today I’m here in the farmers market of my hometown of Grand Haven, Michigan, and I’m going to talk about three different things that three different people are using that you can apply to your business.

Retailers Should Attend Trade Shows

I am here at the Independent Garden Center Show. And in this episode of Real Retail TV, I’m going to talk about the value of trade shows.

Finding Great Retail Employees

When finding great retail employees as a retail store owner, you need to recognize that there are great people everywhere. You just need to put on your recruiting hat, keep on your recruiting hat, and always look.

Man At A Gift Show

Now more than ever, it’s important to go in to trade shows with a plan. Watch this new episode of Real Retail TV and learn how to navigate trade shows like a pro and avoid simple trade show buying mistakes.

Everyone Has A Story

Every customer has a unique story. Taking time to listen, without judging, is the best way to lead them to a Perfect Purchase.

A Simple Stress Reduction Technique For Overworked Retailers

Most of us face dozens of stressful moments every day. Dealing with them quickly and efficiently is critical to your happiness and success. In this episode of Real Retail TV, you’ll learn a simple, highly-effective technique that’s perfect to use every day on the floor of your retail store…or anywhere!

Worst Words In Retail

Do you know what are the 4 worst words you can use in retail? Uncover this simple selling technique to make sure you and your team are not making this huge mistake when greeting customers. This episode of RRTV contains an invaluable retail tip.

How To Feel Better And Get More Done

It may seem counterintuitive, but this is one retail tip that really works! When you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed out, it’s a good sign that you don’t need to do MORE. You need to step back and do LESS.