
Special Sale Price – SAVE $500 On The Retail Mastery System!

You don’t have to sacrifice your life to run a successful retail store…

With The Retail Mastery System, Business Becomes Easier, More Fun, and More Profitable!

You can have it all.

You can have an amazing retail business, grow your sales and profits, you can create a great team, have a beautiful store filled with amazing merchandise, make all the money you need to live comfortably, AND…

  • Take a weekend off and know things are running perfectly…
  • Go to your kids’ activities without getting texts from your team…
  • Spend two weeks on vacation without constantly checking sales…
  • Have an uninterrupted date night…
  • Sleep without worry at night.

“At the same time that I doubled my sales and opened a new store, I also improved my personal life, which I didn’t expect. I was able to take two, month-long vacations to Italy with my family and really disconnect without worrying about my store.”

Maureen Doron
Skirt, Bryn Mawr, PA

It’s not EITHER a great business that doesn’t run you ragged, OR a lower-stress life without constant work…

You can have both.

It may sound far-fetched – but it’s not. You’re about to discover a PROVEN (over and over again) system that generates real results in real businesses. Not just one or two, but 20 years’ worth of our clients have achieved amazing results and big changes. Are you ready to join them?

When you started your retail business (whether that was 20 days ago, or 20 years ago), chances are you were passionate about your product and excited about the freedom of running your own store.

Then reality sets in: Retail is HARD!

You’re probably working longer hours than you anticipated and your profit margins may not be as high as you wanted them to be. Dealing with employees is stressful and getting customers to come in the door, well, if that was your only challenge, you’d consider yourself lucky.

The thing is, to run a truly successful store…

You have to understand all ELEVEN essential retail skills including:

  • Marketing your business to get new customers (and get your existing customers to come back over and over again!).  If they don’t come, they don’t buy. Marketing is what connects you to your customers and their cash. If you figure this part out a lot of other things can start to fall in place.
  • Finding, hiring and training the right staff (they’re essential to your success!). Your employees are the ones standing face to face with your customers and bringing – or failing to bring – money into your store. And the wrong ones are often the source of your biggest headaches!
  • Systematizing your store operations so your store runs on rails (even when you’re not in the store to crack the whip). Having the right policies, procedures, and forms in place will save you an enormous amount of time, energy, and headaches.
  • Managing your inventory (without overbuying or running out of bestsellers). Spending the right amount on the right merchandise has a big impact on the amount on the bottom line. This is critical to putting more of your cash in the bank rather than having it sit on your shelves.
  • Understanding all the financial stuff (even if you don’t love math or have a degree in accounting). The fact of the matter is you must have a competent grasp of your balance sheets, P&L statements, and cash flow… so that you’re not flying blind and running your business by the seat of your pants.
  • Planning a merchandise assortment your customers will love – and not just love, but BUY. A store full of cool stuff that just sits on the shelves is a recipe for retail disaster. You need to know that you’ve got the right merchandise coming at the right time.
  • Creating a service culture that SELLS! Selling isn’t pushy, sleazy, or rude. Helping each and every customer leave with their “Perfect Purchase” is the #1 activity of every retail store. Great selling is great customer service – and what puts the maximum money in your bank account.
  • Leveraging the power of the internet to drive traffic and strengthen relationships with your current customers. This is HUGE part of every indie retailers business success… you have to both understand the underlying marketing strategies AND keep up with the constant changes in the digital world.
  • Creating displays and windows that not only look good, but also cause your customer to buy. Visual merchandising is really nothing more and nothing less than the in-store marketing of your goods and services!
  • Delivering consistently great customer service that’s systematic, not hit-or-miss. You rarely get a second chance if your customer doesn’t get an amazing experience in your store. They just go away… off to the internet, a big box, or one of your local competitors.
  • And last but certainly not least, getting control of your personal habits, skills, and mindsets. Stuff like how you manage your time, your commitment to learning, and how you respond when things go wrong. These things are a huge underlying part of your success as a business owner!

Each skill contributes to a well-rounded and thriving retail business. Mastering them can make your retail journey not just successful, but also enjoyable.

Best of all, you don’t have to figure this out all on your own… we’ve done the work for you!

Here’s what you’ll discover in each of the 11 modules in the Retail Mastery System:

Essential Retail Skill #1: Marketing

One client increased his sales by $109,000 with just one single idea from this module. Find out how you can quickly duplicate his promotion – the ACTUAL LETTERS he used to get these amazing results are included.

Essential Retail Skill #2: Selling

Your employees are in charge of every single customer transaction that happens in your store. And when you train them to be customer-focused sales superheroes, you will put immediate profit into your cash register.

Essential Retail Skill #3: Assortment Planning

Planning your best assortment is a constantly evolving process. It’s always a work in progress. What was the right stuff last season, last year, or ten years ago is probably not the right stuff today. It sounds so basic, but the implications for your success are huge.

Essential Retail Skill #4: Staff Development

A motivated and engaged staff is the Holy Grail of retail. Without a team of retail superstars, your customers are not getting the service they deserve and you’re missing out on tons of cash.

Essential Retail Skill #5: Inventory Management

If you had a crystal ball, you could use it to see precisely what your customers will buy so you’re ordering only the right amount of the right stuff at the right time. We’ll show you how your POS system can be that crystal ball.

Essential Retail Skill #6: Visual Merchandising

Browsers can be easily turned into buyers if you understand that Visual Merchandising is nothing more and nothing less than the in-store marketing of your products. It’s not just about making merchandise pretty or interesting it is about making it pretty and interesting so your customer is eager to buy.

Essential Retail Skill #7: Customer Service

Create an amazing customer experience and you’ll have loyal customers for life. Get it wrong and all bets are off. We’ll help you get it right so you keep growing.

Essential Retail Skill #8: Digital Marketing

The world is digital – and if you’re not online, you’re missing out on a huge target audience for your business. We’ll show you how Digital Marketing will help you get noticed by new prospects and build long-lasting relationships with existing customers.

Essential Retail Skill #9: Financial Management

Whatever the reason you started your store – freedom, independence, passion, or just for the fun of it all. At the end of the day, money is what keeps the doors open and the bills paid. So we’re going to help you manage your money the right way.

Essential Retail Skill #10: Store Operations

Daily operations can be the biggest hassle of owning your own business. Get control by using the processes, procedures, and policies that ensure your store runs great even when you’re not there.

Essential Retail Skill #11: Personal Business Skills

Success is an inside game. At the end of the day, your success is about you and your mindset. You must learn to become the kind of person who is successful.

Tonya Christensen from Must Love Dogs

“I have overcome self-doubt, a recession, two years of construction at my front door, competition and SO much more with the help of the Retail Mastery System. I am celebrating our 11th Anniversary soon and feel certain that I couldn’t have done it without Bob, Susan, and my Retail Mastery System!”

Tonya Christensen
Must Love Dogs, Grand Haven, MI

The Retail Mastery System is the easiest, fastest, and best way to grasp all 11 Critical Retail Skills.

Just picture yourself having the ideas, information, and inspiration you need to grow your business all at your fingertips. Think about what it would be like to have the answers handed to you by someone who’s been there and been super successful.

You can go through each module systematically like a course (one of our clients from upstate New York said that for store owners, the Retail Mastery System is better than a Harvard MBA!) or you can use it more like an encyclopedia to find answers to specific problems as they come in your business. It’s always there to guide you and give you the very best practices – just the stuff that really works in the real world of retail.

That’s exactly what the Retail Mastery System will give you!

The Retail Mastery System truly is everything you need to know to get to the next level of retail success.

Tom Trello review of the Retail Mastery System

“We have been using the Inventory Management module with great success. Our inventory is now under control and I saved enough from this to pay our credit line off and still have a reserve. Now we’re adding the frequent buyer program, sales coaching, and paying bonuses for add-on sales, top sales per store, etc.  I am very excited to tell you sales are up 25%. WOW!

Tom Trella
Cigar Box, Hazelton, PA

How Do We Know It Works? We’ve Been There Ourselves!

This system contains years of retail experience on top of decades of coaching experience. We’ve built the Retail Mastery System because we know exactly what you’re going through.

Bob and Susan Negen

The Retail Mastery System and the philosophy behind it was developed using our 35+ years of on-the-floor retail experience. (Susan was a senior executive at major department stores for 16 years and Bob owned his own chain of independent retail stores for 19 years.)

This means that we’re not showing you theory, or ideas from someone who’s never been in your shoes. You’ll learn real, applicable knowledge from proven experts that really works.

We’ve tackled each of the 11 Critical Retail Skills and created a module dedicated to coaching you through each one with…

  • Video lessons with retail experts, Bob and Susan Negen. These short, bite-sized lessons will teach you the tried & true solutions to the most common retail challenges….
  • The mobile app makes it so easy to watch, listen, and learn directly on your phone, whether you’re working out, traveling in your car, or listening anywhere on the move…
  • Sample forms, checklists, templates, planners, and spreadsheets that you can just download and use immediately. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel…
  • Recommended resources to help you be successful faster and with less stress…
  • Books for folks who would rather read than watch. The digital version of the accompanying books is available in the documents section of each module. Each book has all the info from the video lessons, a Gold-Star Game Plan to get you going, and more…
  • All delivered on the Brilliance Retail Training Platform to make it easy for you to complete the training yourself or assign lessons to key members of your team. Brilliance makes it easy to access all your retail training, all in one place.

The Retail Mastery System is the single most comprehensive resource for retail store owners on the market. There are over 180 video lessons and 150 sample forms, checklists, templates, planners, and spreadsheets inside. (Click here to download the full list.)

No other system on the market gives you such a comprehensive study in how to be successful in retail. And no other system makes it as easy to use the information or provides it in multiple formats.

All you have to do is click below and you’ll be able to access the information IMMEDIATELY. No downloads, no software… and you’ll be on your way to higher profits, happier customers, and more money in your pocket.


When you invest in the Retail Mastery System, you’ll get a FREE bonus package with these very exciting items…

  • RAVE REVIEWS! Two Tickets to the Retail Success Summit
    The Retail Success Summit is a LIVE conference filled with hundreds of successful, motivated, and inspiring retailers just like you. It’s a world-class, super-energizing conference packed with the best concepts we teach and designed to help you make the most of the Retail Mastery System.
  • GET STARTED FAST! The Quick Start Guide
    This guide will help you assess where your skills are now and help you decide where you should start in the Retail Mastery System. It’s your fast track to quick results!
  • CONNECT, LEARN, & GROW! Retail Mastery System Owners Group
    Join a community of passionate retail entrepreneurs dedicated to taking their businesses to the next level using the Retail Mastery System. In this Facebook Group, you’ll get to connect, learn, and grow with like-minded individuals!
  • EASY! Premier Support Package
    Sometimes you just need a little help and guidance. We get it. With our Premier Support Package, you can be assured that the answers to your questions are just a phone call (or email) away. Looking for the “Opening & Closing Checklist?” Trying to find the video where Susan talks about capital expenses? Give us a call, we will help point you in the right direction.

This bonus package comes FREE with your investment in the Retail Mastery System!

Todd Anderson of R/C Excitement
“I’ve doubled my business from $500K to a MILLION this year and have done under half of what’s in the Retail Mastery System. I can only imagine where I’ll be once I get further in!”

Todd Anderson
R/C Excitement, Fitchburg, MA

Incredible Savings – Get $500 Off!

Normally, the Retail Mastery System goes for $2997 – which is already a tremendous value. The Retail Mastery System has consistently produced 5%, 10%, 20% sales increases… and often even more! So a store with $300,000 in sales making just a 10% increase would still realize a positive swing of $30,000 in their favor. If your annual sales are $5 million even a 5% increase means a whopping $250,000 additional sales – that’s a 12,400% Return On Investment!

This means that the Retail Mastery System could literally pay for itself the very first month you use it. Imagine the difference it could make in your business and life in just one year. And it keeps paying year after year, after year.

But, right now, you can get all this retail goodness for $2497 and save $500 PLUS get the awesome Bonus Package!

Cash Flow Tight? We Get It.

We know that running a business can be tough. That’s why we really want you to have the Retail Mastery System! It’s the key to unlocking your retail success. The skills you’ll learn will make you more money, increase your cash flow, and improve your profitability. And we don’t want the price tag to keep you from making the investment.

So, if cash is tight right now, you can take advantage of our monthly payment plan. Usually, the payment plan is $297 a month for 12 months, but right now you pay for ONLY $247 for 12 MONTHS! You save $600!

That’s right – you can start learning and profiting from the information in the Retail Mastery System for only one payment of $247!

It’s like having us “on retainer” as your exclusive store consultants for less than $9 a day (about what you’d pay for coffee and a sandwich at a local snack shop).

When you invest in the Retail Mastery System you will be one step closer to realizing your dream of an unshakeable, unbreakable retail business.

When you buy a piece of merchandise you can sell it once at a profit. When you invest in business-building education you can use your new-found knowledge over and over again, profiting from your investment many, many times over.  Like the Energizer Bunny, it just keeps ongoing.

And your Retail Mastery System is an investment that is going to keep on giving and giving.

Whether you are brand new to this crazy, wonderful game of retail or you are a grizzled veteran you will find new ideas to inspire you, systems to help your store run better, and lots of ways to put more money in your bank account.

Stephanie Shearer of Trunk Nouveau
“I couldn’t find college courses specific to retail. The Retail Mastery System is so much better because I can visit the modules when I need them, at my own pace.”

Stephanie Shearer
Trunk Nouveau, Aurora, CO

Do you think you could increase your sales enough to cover your investment?

We do. In fact, we guarantee it.

Of course you always have our amazing 30-day, no reason why needed, no questions asked, money-back guarantee. 

If you give the Retail Mastery System an honest try and within 30 days you’re not 100% satisfied for any reason whatsoever, just give us a call at 800.842.1660 and we will refund every penny you paid.

How can I offer such a guarantee? Because I’m absolutely, totally confident that the Retail Mastery System is that good, that effective, and that worthwhile. It flat-out works!

The bottom line is you have nothing to lose… and everything to gain.

All you have to do is click the button below and invest right now.

Invest in yourself. Invest in your business.

Invest in your future and your freedom.

You’ll Master The 11 Essential Retail Skills:

  • Staff Development (Hire, train, manage, and lead your team)
  • Marketing (Drive tons of customers into your store)
  • Digital Marketing (Leverage the power of the internet to attract more customers)
  • Customer Service (Create a customer-focused culture in your store)
  • Selling (Increase sales and improve service)
  • Store Operations (Make your store run on rails, even if you’re not around)
  • Visual Merchandising (Design and display to sell more merchandise)
  • Inventory Management (Buy smart to put more money in the bank)
  • Assortment Planning (Pick the right products to keep your customers buying)
  • Financial Management (Understand critical retail math and financial reports)
  • Personal Business Skills (Get more done and have more fun)

Retail Mastery System 2.0

Each Module Comes With:

  • Video lessons with retail experts, Bob and Susan Negen. These short, bite-sized lessons will teach you the tried & true solutions to the most common retail challenges.
  • Audio tracks on the mobile app that makes it so easy to watch, listen, and learn directly on your phone, whether you’re working out, traveling in your car, or listening anywhere on the move.
  • Sample forms, checklists, templates, planners, and spreadsheets that you can just download and use immediately. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel.
  • Recommended resources to help you be successful faster and with less stress.
  • Books for folks who would rather read than watch. The digital version of the accompanying books is available in the documents section of each module. Each book has all the info from the video lessons, a Gold-Star Game Plan to get you going, and more…
  • All delivered on the Brilliance Retail Training Platform to make it easy for you to complete the training yourself or assign lessons to key members of your team. Brilliance makes it easy to access all your retail training, all in one place.

Plus you’ll get a great NEW bonus package including…

  • Two Tickets to the Retail Success Summit
    The Retail Success Summit is a LIVE conference filled with hundreds of successful, motivated, and inspiring retailers just like you. It’s a world-class, super-energizing conference packed with the best concepts we teach and designed to help you make the most of the Retail Mastery System.
  • The Quick Start Guide
    This guide will help you assess where your skills are now and help you decide where you should start in the Retail Mastery System. It’s your fast-track to quick results!
  • Retail Mastery System Owners Group
    Join a community of passionate retail entrepreneurs dedicated to taking their businesses to the next level using the Retail Mastery System. In this Facebook Group you’ll get to connect, learn, and grow with like-minded individuals!
  • Premier Support Package
    Sometimes you just need a little help and guidance. We get it. With our Premier Support Package, you can be assured that the answers to your questions are just a phone call (or email) away. Looking for the “Opening & Closing Checklist?” Trying to find the video where Susan talks about capital expenses? Give us a call, we will help point you in the right direction.

Not to mention that you’re guaranteed to love it… or your money back! There’s really no reason for you to wait any longer.

None… Nada… Zip…

Imagine yourself having all the ideas, information, and inspiration you need to grow your business right at your fingertips. Think about what it would be like to have everything you need to be super successful.

That’s exactly what the Retail Mastery System will give you… Enjoy your success!

Ryan Raffuse from Anchorage House Of Hobbies
“The Retail Mastery System has changed how I do business. I have a third-generation family-owned hobby store, and I felt like we were growing faster than my knowledge set allowed. Since working with WhizBang! Retail Training we have more than tripled our business.”

Ryan Raffuse
Anchorage House Of Hobbies, Anchorage, AK