
Welcome to my blog! In this video series, you’ll learn simple, straightforward and tested strategies and tactics to help you run a better business, have more fun and make more money.

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Real Retail TV Episodes:

Tiny Tweaks, Big Differences

Every marketing campaign has several elements that can either make or break its success. In this episode, Bob shares how sometimes even the tiniest tweak or modification can make a dramatic difference in your results.

What Are People Really Buying?

Learn the common-sense secret that successfully sold over 3 MILLION dollars of yo-yos and can be used easily in any retail business, plus more retail tips in this episode of Real Retail TV!

Everybody Has A Story

Major retail tip: to be the best salesperson you can be, it’s key to remember that everybody has a story. Everyone who comes into your store has something going on in their lives that you don’t know about, but that may be relevant to the process of getting them to a perfect purchase. 

Man On The Street In Grand Haven

Change – in life and business – is inevitable, but how we respond to change is what’s really important. In this Man On The Street edition of Real Retail TV, Bob shares some retail tips on how to deal with change and keep up with the times.

How To Keep Your Store Under Control

Is your store a disaster? Does it look like a hurricane devastated your displays? In this episode of Real Retail TV, you’ll learn retail tips that show you exactly how to create order from chaos by using an opening and closing checklist taken from the store operations module of the Retail Mastery System.

It’s Hard To Grow Big When You Think Small

Mindset matters when it comes to the growth of your retail business. Get into the right headspace with retail tips from Bob’s personal experiences to help you start looking at your retail business through new lenses in this episode of Real Retail TV.

Selling Out Of Your Own Pocket

When you’re trying to help your customer find their perfect purchase, it’s important to remember that IT’S NOT ABOUT YOU! In this episode of Real Retail TV, discover retail tips on how to guide your customer to what they really want to buy, and not necessarily what you’d like to sell.

How To Fire A Customer

As the owner or the manager of a retail business, every once in a while you’ve just had enough. Every once in a while, you have to fire a customer. And in this episode of Real Retail TV, I’m going to share with you exactly how to do it.

Increasing The Margins In Your Retail Business

As an independent retailer, being savvy about maintaining, and increasing your margins is a critical part of running your business. In this episode, Bob will teach you four strategies to make more money by significantly increasing your margins.

Man On The Street: NYC

In this episode, join Bob in a man-on-the-street video shot in New York City with some live retail tips. In it, we discuss a really fun, interesting model for restaurants, and the lessons that you can take from that experience and apply to your retail business.

Sales Statistics & Why They Are So Important

Want to be able to increase your retail store’s sales in a meaningful way? Discover four simple statistics that can give you big insights into all of the little things that are happening on your sales floor.

Curbing Retail Theft & Fraud

Theft and fraud are a reality. We just need to recognize it and be upfront about it. Sometimes it’s painful. But you are a business person and part of being a business person is dealing with reality the way that it is, and thinking critically.

Three Rules Of Profitable Retail Pricing

Pricing is the low hanging fruit. When you can strategically price your goods, good things start to happen. In this video, discover one of the most commonly overlooked sources of sales increases, and higher profits: pricing.

5 Ways To Fight Retail Burnout

Burn out is a very, very real problem for independent retailers. In this episode of Real Retail TV, you are going to learn five ways to banish it from your life forever.

5 Types Of Promotions For Savvy Retailers

If you ever get caught in the trap of feeling like you’re doing too many sales in your store, then this episode about retail promotions of Real Retail TV is for you.

Lifetime Value Of A Retail Customer

In this episode, we’ll show you how to calculate the lifetime value of a retail customer step by step. This concept can change everything about how you think of marketing.

6 Time Vampires

In today’s episode, we’re going to talk about time vampires and how they are sucking away your time and your focus…and how you can change that.

A Love Letter

This episode is a love letter for everyone who works in retail: owners, managers and team members. You are awesome, you make a difference and you deserve a giant pat on the back for all you do.

The Ultimate Retail Selling System

In order to give your customers the service they deserve, you need two things– you need a goal, and you need a solid selling system. And the 6 steps to the perfect purchase is the ultimate retail selling system.

How To Handle Retail Customer Complaints

If you’ve been in retail for more than 10 minutes you know that complaints are a fact of life. I’m going to suggest that complaints and complainers are really opportunities. Opportunities to do, as Disney says, turn tragic into magic.

12 Traits Of Successful Retailers

After observing thousands of independent, successful retailers, there are 12 important traits that the most successful share. In this episode, you’ll learn all twelve, PLUS a bonus trait you might never have thought of.

Finding Great Retail Employees

When finding great retail employees as a retail store owner, you need to recognize that there are great people everywhere. You just need to put on your recruiting hat, keep on your recruiting hat, and always look.

3 Ways To Grow Your Retail Business

There are only three ways to grow a retail business, and in this episode of Real Retail TV, I’ll share what they are, what they mean for your retail business, and how they work together for the future growth of your retail business.

Non-Negotiable Standards

This Episode: 3 Incredibly Powerful Words: “Non-Negotiable Standards.” If you are frustrated because your team members are not doing what you want them to do, the way you want them to do it, then you are going to LOVE This video!

WhizBang! Cause Marketing

WhizBang! Cause Marketing is a technique that helps retailers like you solve the “donation dilemma” in a way that lets you help your community while bringing new customers into your store.