The Piña Colada Principle

The Piña Colada Principle

There is always something retailers can do to drive traffic. You simply have to think creatively and employ what I’m calling, The Piña Colada Principle.

From Shopkeeper To Pro: Navigating The Retailer’s Journey

From Shopkeeper To Pro: Navigating The Retailer’s Journey

To ensure you know where you’re headed, it’s necessary to have a clear understanding of where you’re at. That’s why it’s so important to know where you land on your retailer’s journey. If your goal is to progress to the next level, you’ll need to equip yourself with the essential tools and strategies required to get there. No matter what stage you’re in, self-development is key. You cannot grow as a business owner if you’re not growing as a person.

Do The Things The Big Brands Can’t Or Won’t Do

Do The Things The Big Brands Can’t Or Won’t Do

I could tell you hundreds of stories about independent retailers doing extraordinary things. So what makes these stories so powerful? It’s because these retailers are doing the things the big brands and big box retailers can’t or won’t do.

3 Pillars Of Retail Success

3 Pillars Of Retail Success

After 40+ years working in the independent retail space, I believe these three pillars are necessary for success. If you have these three things in place, you will build the business you deserve and reap the benefits of that success. The three pillars are mindset, skillset, and structure. All of these things tie into each other and can be proactively learned and achieved.

How To Become The Store Of Choice

How To Become The Store Of Choice

How do independent brick-and-mortar retailers become the store of choice? It comes down to two things that I explain in this episode of Real Retail TV. You have to be a skilled retailer and you have to commit to creating a great customer experience. It’s all about doing the things that the big box stores can’t or won’t do.

Is Employee Loyalty Dead?

Is Employee Loyalty Dead?

Is employee loyalty dead? Absolutely not. But just like customer loyalty, employee loyalty must also be earned. You have to make your employees feel valued and included. The labor market is much more fluid than it used to be. The best retailers will take this as an opportunity to level up their recruiting skills and build a deep bench.

Is Customer Loyalty Dead?

Is Customer Loyalty Dead?

If you automatically assume customer loyalty you are going to wind up disappointed. It’s not up to your customers to be loyal, it is up to you to earn their loyalty. There are many things you can do to engender customer loyalty. Proactively build the relationship by providing an exceptional in-store experience, implementing a great loyalty program, and having customer-friendly policies.

The Future Of Your Retail Business

The Future Of Your Retail Business

If you want to build a business that serves your life, now is the time to write a vision that will get you there. What do you really want from your business? How can you spend less time in your business and more time enjoying your life? A vision statement can become the roadmap to get you to the future you desire.

Should Retailers Charge Customers Credit Card Fees?

Should Retailers Charge Customers Credit Card Fees?

Should independent retailers be passing along these fees to their customers? The short answer is no. It’s your #1 competitive advantage to be able to provide an incredible in-store experience. And no matter how wonderful your sales staff is or how perfect your merchandise is, when a customer goes to pay and sees that they’re being charged a credit card fee, they’re going to feel like they’re being nickeled and dimed.

The Best Store Hours For Independent Retailers

The Best Store Hours For Independent Retailers

In this episode of Real Retail TV, I share what I believe to be the best store hours for independent retailers. The bottom line is, if you want to be competitive with the big box stores, you have to keep the same hours as they do. The goal is to make it as easy as possible for your customers to shop when they want to shop.