In today’s Real Retail TV episode, we dive into a hot topic: Should retail entrepreneurs voice their political views or stay quiet during these divisive times? It’s a crucial discussion for anyone in the retail business, and I’m excited to share my thoughts with you.
When you think of relaxing, it might not seem like something you need to work at. However, especially for retail entrepreneurs, it’s essential to view relaxation as a daily practice. By associating relaxation with specific triggers, you can turn it into a habit, allowing you to find moments to unwind and think more clearly throughout your day.
In any promotion, there are tons of crucial details that can make a big difference in it’s success. It’s your job as a marketer to understand these different components to make sure you’re optimizing for great results.
In this episode of Real Retail TV, I explore three reasons you might be losing customers. In retail, expectations are up and loyalty is down. It’s important to create a smooth and easy shopping experience for your customers to keep them close and coming back.
AI has become an invaluable tool for busy retailers, and it’s only getting better! In this episode of Real Retail TV, I’m sharing a highlight from last year’s Retail Success Summit, showcasing some of the top ways AI is being used by retailers today. AI has advanced even further since then, and we’re thrilled to be featuring a dedicated panel at this year’s Summit to dive deeper into how entrepreneurs can leverage this game-changing technology.
In this episode of Real Retail TV, I’m excited to present part two of the popular Retail Success Summit session, “Ways to Wow ‘Em.” In this clip, you’ll discover insights about the second half of the customer service pyramid and learn how to put the cherry on top of an exceptional customer experience.
We have an exciting treat for you over the next few weeks! At the WhizBang! Office, we’ve declared June as Retail Success Summit month as we gear up for the big event in July! This week and next, I’ll be sharing clips from a popular session from last year’s summit titled “Ways To Wow ‘Em.”
Entrepreneurship can often be chaotic, but with the right structures in place, you can transform that chaos into cool, calm, and collected control. In this episode of Real Retail TV, I share four key structures to help you create a more organized retail business.
The type of retailer you decide to be will play a big role in your business success. As an independent brick-and-mortar retailer, you have the unique advantage of choosing your path and becoming the go-to store in a world full of options.
WhizBang! Retail Training helps retailers of all sizes build great stores. Founded in 1999 by retail experts Bob Negen and Susan Negen, we offer products and services designed to fit the needs of brand new retailers as well as seasoned owners and multi-store chains.
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