In this episode of Real Retail TV, I take a brief look at the history of retail and how it has evolved. There is no longer room for “hobbyists” or “shopkeepers” in the new omni-experiential world. Those who do not accept the change and challenges of the future will be left behind.
The holidays are stressful, no matter what you do, or who you are. And as a retailer, they are particularly stressful and challenging, especially this year. In this episode of Real Retail TV, I’ll share two tips to make your holidays easier.
In this episode of Real Retail TV, we’re going to take a deep dive into how entrepreneurs can get the best sleep. Follow these tips and you’ll be bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready to greet more holiday shoppers.
In this episode of Real Retail TV, we’re going to explore how to make the 2021 holiday season your best ever. This holiday season is going to be tricky between supply chain issues, labor challenges, and the fact that the pandemic is still among us. Here are four ways to really make this holiday season a great one because there is a tremendous opportunity. You just have to be prepared to take advantage of it.
In this episode of Real Retail TV, we’ll discuss why it’s so important to talk to each of your customers about how much they want to spend when they are shopping with you during the holidays. This video came directly from Holiday Selling Course inside the Retail Sales Academy.
In this episode of Real Retail TV, we are going to explore the three mindsets of successful retailers. I have worked with literally thousands upon thousands of independent retailers like you and have discovered the mindsets that distinguish the most successful. I want you to think about whether you have these mindsets, if you do, how do you strengthen them and if you don’t, how do you develop them?
This episode of Real Retail TV is coming to you from San Antonio, Texas, where Susan and I are with the members of the Platinum Mastermind Group for our fall meeting. In it, we are going to explore problems with partners and how to solve them.
This holiday season is going to be challenging. You’ve seen the pictures of the freighters lined up to get into port to unload the goods, the goods that could or should be coming to your store. In this episode, we’ll talk about what you can do to make sure that you have merchandise to sell to your customers and make this fourth quarter the best that it can be.
In this episode, you are going to learn the ultimate retail selling system. We call it, The 6 Steps To The Perfect Purchase. But, before we begin, I just want you to think about and recognize that selling is service. It isn’t pushy or manipulative. It’s about getting your customer everything they want need and desire when they are shopping with you.
In this episode of Real Retail TV, I’m going to share with you the management concept that changed my life. What I’m talking about here is the idea of a non-negotiable standard. Watch now to learn more.
WhizBang! Retail Training helps retailers of all sizes build great stores. Founded in 1999 by retail experts Bob Negen and Susan Negen, we offer products and services designed to fit the needs of brand new retailers as well as seasoned owners and multi-store chains.
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