The holiday season is ripe for stress and overwhelm, especially for store owners so I would like to encourage you to shift your perspective. It’s easy to start comparing numbers to previous years and get discouraged. But what you need to realize is just how far you’ve come. You are playing the long game.
In this episode of Real Retail TV, I share some of my favorite hacks to get a good night’s rest. This is especially important during this busy season. Getting a good night’s sleep will have you ready to take on the holiday rush.
The holidays can be stressful! In this episode of Real Retail TV, I discuss some of my favorite techniques to use when you’re dealing with a difficult customer or having a frustrating day.
To be able to “print money” you need to have an amazing marketing plan. When you’re building a great marketing plan, it’s not just about finding good ideas. You have to want to learn the mindset, skillset, and structure that it will take to get to that next level.
Black Friday is just a few days away! In this episode of Real Retail TV, I share a few simple gift card promotion ideas that you can execute quickly, without a lot of extra work.
In this week’s Real Retail TV, I take a deeper dive into last week’s topic on change. Every time you make a decision to change, you are exhibiting courage. Taking these steps will not only expand your comfort zone but also boost your confidence.
Wishing for your business to grow isn’t enough. In order to get different, better results, you need to change. You have to change your habits and skills to learn how to get to the next level. It can sometimes feel unsettling to fall into a new routine, but it’s necessary to step up your game as a retailer.
You’ve probably heard me say that there has never been a better time to be an independent retailer. After the lockdowns of 2020 you saw an outpouring of love from your communities like never before. That disruption has opened up an incredible opportunity for independent retailers. Don’t miss out on this moment in history!
In this episode of Real Retail TV, I share one of the biggest takeaways from our recent Platinum Mastermind Group meeting. The truth is, there is no silver bullet to creating a great culture. It’s all of the little things that add up over time that create the team and ultimately, the lifestyle you want.
With the holiday season quickly approaching, it’s important to recognize that you do not have to have storewide discounts associated with your promotions. The best retailers have a robust calendar of promotions and events that don’t include markdowns.
WhizBang! Retail Training helps retailers of all sizes build great stores. Founded in 1999 by retail experts Bob Negen and Susan Negen, we offer products and services designed to fit the needs of brand new retailers as well as seasoned owners and multi-store chains.
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