4 Ways To Get Most Out of Your Retail Pop Up Shop

4 Ways To Get Most Out of Your Retail Pop Up Shop

Pop Up Shops: Temporary retail stores in malls, at community events and consumer shows have TONS of potential. Yet, many retailers don’t get all they can from the work they do. This episode shows you how to make the most of every Pop Up you host!

What Motivates You?

What Motivates You?

One key factor to running a successful business is motivation. I’m very clear about what motivates me, and so I’m going to share it with you here today. Not because I’m some wise sage, but because hopefully, by sharing my motivations with you, it will help you gain clarity on what motivates you.

Fifth Saturday Promotion

Fifth Saturday Promotion

Every year, there are four months that have five Saturdays, and that fifth Saturday represents an opportunity for you to have a promotion. And of course, you can do whatever you want. You could have a customer appreciation. You can have a store wide clearance. You can have buy one get one’s. You can just use the fifth Saturday for an excuse for any type of promotion. But on this episode of Real Retail TV, I share my favorite promotion to use on these fifth Saturdays.

Inspiration vs Perspiration

Inspiration vs Perspiration

On this episode of Real Retail TV, we’re going to talk about inspiration. Going into my trip to Colorado, I was tired and a little burned out. I was just going through the motions. As you know, I’m really passionate about helping you become more successful, but I wasn’t feeling it. And after a couple of days, out in Colorado unplugged from our business, I started to feel inspired, I started to become fired up again. On today’s episode I’m going to talk about the importance inspiration has on fueling that fire.

Retail Lessons From The Farmer’s Market

Retail Lessons From The Farmer’s Market

Today I’m here in the farmers market of my hometown of Grand Haven, Michigan, and I’m going to talk about three different things that three different people are using that you can apply to your business.

Finding Great Retail Employees

Finding Great Retail Employees

When finding great retail employees as a retail store owner, you need to recognize that there are great people everywhere. You just need to put on your recruiting hat, keep on your recruiting hat, and always look.

Man At A Gift Show

Man At A Gift Show

Now more than ever, it’s important to go in to trade shows with a plan. Watch this new episode of Real Retail TV and learn how to navigate trade shows like a pro and avoid simple trade show buying mistakes.

Everyone Has A Story

Everyone Has A Story

Every customer has a unique story. Taking time to listen, without judging, is the best way to lead them to a Perfect Purchase.