Ensuring your brand aligns with your store’s identity is more important than ever. Your brand is experienced across various touchpoints—your website, social media, print materials, packaging, and more. It’s the thread that weaves these experiences into a cohesive image, creating a positive and memorable experience for customers.
The customer isn’t always right. While I strongly advocate for a customer-focused approach, there are times when you may need to part ways with a customer. It’s important to recognize when a customer is causing significant emotional strain, making it necessary to end the relationship.
The better your team’s selling skillset, the more revenue you’ll generate. And by leveraging sophisticated statistics, you can effectively drive high performance in your retail team. In this episode of Real Retail TV, I delve into four critical statistics you should focus on in your ongoing coaching.
The top three mistakes you’re making with your team revolve around training. . Properly equipping your employees for success not only boosts sales and customer satisfaction but also fosters confident, loyal team members.
When you’re training your team, it’s crucial to be precise and use language that focuses on specific behaviors. This eliminates any room for misinterpretation. Your idea of cleaning a window might not match your employee’s, so it’s essential to be clear and not just instruct them on what to do, but how to do it.
As an independent retailer, you have a major impact on your community, employees, and economy. With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, I’m sending you some love via Real Retail TV to remind you of just how important you are. Keep up the fantastic work! You are awesome!
Tap into your team’s unique brilliance with this tried-and-true strategy! Your team members want to have a voice and feel empowered to actively participate in important decisions. Involve your team in the decision-making process using the A.D.D. model: ask, discuss, decide.
This is a great piece of advice that I got from my friend, Chris Knight: “In the beginning of your business, the more you do, the more you make, but there comes a time in your business where the more you think, the more you make.” You can’t think and do at the same time. Investing time outside of your business to acquire new skills will boost your wisdom and empower you to make substantial, game-changing decisions for your retail store.
It’s true! You are better than your comfort zone, and you owe it to yourself to expand it. As a store owner, you are already doing big things. To build the kind of business you deserve, you have to keep thinking of ways to grow.
This year, my guiding word is “choice.” I believe in the power of intentional decisions to shape our paths. Each day is an opportunity to make choices that lead to self-improvement and positive momentum. Embrace the idea that you always have the freedom to make a choice that can steer you toward a better you.
WhizBang! Retail Training helps retailers of all sizes build great stores. Founded in 1999 by retail experts Bob Negen and Susan Negen, we offer products and services designed to fit the needs of brand new retailers as well as seasoned owners and multi-store chains.
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