This Episode: Your Huge Competitive Advantage
In this episode of Real Retail TV, we’re going to talk about the single, most important thing you need to do in uncertain times! Learn what your huge competitive advantage is right now during the spread of the coronavirus.
Please, share your thoughts and how you’ll use your competitive advantage in the comments section below.
I’m a tug boat
I can zip around the big boats, and I have the strength not just to float with the tide, but have the power to make things happen. Thanks for being our strong rudder Bob and Susan! Hoping this storm will blow over as quickly as it came up.
Thanks ArtWare Lady! We’re all in this together.
We are having an “all hands on deck” staff brainstorming session this morning. I will kick off the meeting with this video. I know we will come up with some fantastic ideas to try, and we will weather this storm. Our Coach Cathy McKillip has offered to join in our meeting for support. Our loyal customers will be there for us, and we will be there for THEM!! Thank you WhizBang Team for being here when we need you the most!!
Nice work! You’re in good hands with Cathy!
Dear Bob,
Thank you for this video. It is the exactly what I needed reinforced.
Owning a women’s retail store for over 30 yrs. , I do find challenging times to be what defines my ability to be creative.
I always say to my customers “ We are not here for you just when things are going right, it’s when they aren’t , that tell you what kind of business we are.”
I will be turning my dingy around a lot , knowing that this to shall pass.
Wishing you, your family and staff health.
Phyllis Lanphier
Sigi’s Boutique
This too will pass!
Once again, thank you Bob.
You are so welcome Trish!