Winning Retail Window Displays

Creating beautiful and inspiring window displays is a great way to attract customers and draw them into your store. 

Here are four window display ideas to get your windows looking their best. 

Window Display Idea One

Pick a theme.

Your windows should not be a repository for every type of merchandise you sell all at once. Choose merchandise for your window that tells a concise “story.” Your theme could be anything from a color trend story (everything eggplant purple), to a merchandise category (snow boots for the whole family). 

The thing to avoid is putting in a little bit of everything in your windows. If you do that, nothing will stand out enough to attract the customer.

Window Display Idea Two

Pick appropriately sized items.

If you’re trying to attract customers who are walking, it’s okay to use many, smaller items in your windows. Walkers can easily see the small merchandise. 

If you’re trying to attract drive-by customers, pick fewer, larger pieces. You might also consider using blow-up copies of merchandise photographs to make small merchandise bigger and easier to see from a car. 

If you need to appeal to BOTH walkers and drivers, like stores on a downtown shopping street, try a combination of bigger items (or pictures) and smaller related pieces. Think about a jewelry store with a large, close-up picture of a diamond ring hanging in the window with the actual ring in a stand.

Window Display Idea 3

Use your space in interesting ways.

Layer merchandise at different levels in your window. A straight line of stuff is not an attractive visual presentation, no matter how great the merchandise is.

Window Display Idea 4

Get good lighting to help your merchandise shine.

If your windows don’t have built-in track spotlights consider getting some clip-on lights to focus attention on key items in your window. Try backlighting or up-lighting some types of merchandise for a pretty glow that will definitely draw your customers’ attention.

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