This Episode:​ Turn Retail Chaos Into Cool Control

Entrepreneurship can often be chaotic, but with the right structures in place, you can transform that chaos into cool, calm, and collected control. In this episode of Real Retail TV, I share four key structures to help you create a more organized retail business.

This past week, Susan and I hosted a birthday party for our new retail training platform, Brilliance. To celebrate, we are offering a FREE course on the platform that will help you add structure to your marketing strategy. Click the button below to access the Retail Money Machine absolutely free through May 31st.

Rather Read The Episode? Click Here.

Hey. It’s Bob Negen. And in this episode of Real Retail TV, we’re going to explore how you can control the chaos.

But before we begin, I just wanna share that I’m on a set yesterday.

We had a surprise birthday party for our new mascot. We don’t the mascot doesn’t even have a name yet, but this is a mascot for our new retail training platform, Brilliance.

All of your retail training, all in one place. We’re super excited about what brilliance will do for you, but I’m wearing my shirt. We’re here on the set where we did our surprise birthday party. So, I have a special offer for you. We are offering a free course called the Retail Money Machine.

And, just for being part of our community and as a party favor for the birthday party for brilliance, you can get this ninety nine dollar course absolutely free. Information is down below. It will show you a system to market your business.

You will learn how to see marketing differently. And we’re gonna talk about this in just a moment when we get into this week’s episode of Real Retail TV.

So how do you control the chaos?

And some of you might go, I don’t have any chaos going on in my business, but I know that many, many, many, many of you do. I know that when I was in retail, it was all sort of controlled chaos. Retail is almost by definition controlled chaos. So how do you control the chaos?

And the single most effective way for you to get control of the chaos, to, save yourself enormous amounts of time, to save yourself enormous amounts of stress is to build structure into your business.

Structure is the the piece that holds it all together. So let’s talk about four different structural pieces that if you put them into place in your business, you will have a lot more time. Your customers will get a lot better experience in your store. Your sales are gonna go up. And, again, you’re going to have control.

So the first one I wanna talk about, the first structural piece is a training program, and this is one of the things that you can do on brilliance. You can build a training program for your store on brilliance.

What happens when you build a training program is that everybody gets the same information the same way from the same person starting to ensure that your customers get a consistent experience.

The best retailers I know have the best training programs, And this is especially true if you have multiple units.

Who’s training who? When you build a training program, preferably with video and accountability built into it, reporting built into it, you are going to see a much more, consistent experience from your team, and your customers are gonna absolutely love you for it.

The second piece of structure I wanna talk about is your buying process. I don’t know about you, but I can tell you how I did it as we walked around with a yellow legal pad. And, you know, we would write where there were holes in the inventory, or you might go into your point of sale system and see where you’re low on inventory. But you know what happens?

What’s happening on the floor and what’s happening on your point of sale system don’t often match up. No. I shouldn’t say that. Don’t always match up. So if you have a structure built into your buying, we recommend Management One. If you don’t know Management One, management hyphen o n e dot com, I strongly recommend that you give them a call, do yourself a favor, have a conversation, but they will bring structure to your buying.

You will make more sales on less inventory. It again, I’m not gonna go into why you should hire management one, but I am going to say that management one is a way for you to create structure in your buying processes.

The third thing that I wanna talk about is your organizational structure.

And this is things like who is doing what? Who is the store manager? Who’s the social media manager? Who’s doing display?

Who’s the buyer? And what does it mean? You see, when you build an organizational chart or as we call it, an accountability chart, all of a sudden when people know what they’re supposed to do, they are unleashed. What I see happening all the time, and, again, going back to my story, is everybody’s trying to do everything.

Therefore, nobody is doing everything as well as they could.

So having an organizational structure is the third structural piece I’d like you to consider bringing into your business if you don’t have it already.

And the fourth piece of structure is your marketing.

Having a marketing plan that is built on systematic look at what you’re doing is another way to make your marketing a lot more effective. I mean, a lot more effective.

So, trying a little of this and trying a little of that is not a marketing strategy. Hope is not a marketing strategy.

What I’m suggesting to you that is if you understand how to market, if you understand a system and a process, if you build some structure into your marketing, your marketing is going to become a lot more effective, a lot more efficient both from a time and a money perspective.

So how do you get some information on that marketing structure? Well, you sign up. You enroll in the retail money machine. The retail money machine is a marketing system.

It is the structural piece that you should know to make your marketing, again, a lot more effective. Again, the retail, retail money machine, get a link down below. It’s normally ninety nine dollars for you today until the end of the month. It’s absolutely free.

So things to think about.

Your assignment should you choose to accept it is to really just spend five or ten minutes and ask yourself, do you have structure in place? What would it mean to your business if you were to build a training program? What would it mean to your business if you had if you were working with management one and your buying was really, really dialed in? What would it mean to your business if everybody in your team knew what their jobs were, knew what was expected of them, and were able to go about doing the jobs to the best of their ability?

And what would it mean to your business if you were to have a marketing system and a marketing book in place and your marketing worked the way that it was supposed to. You see, building structure is work. I’m not gonna lie. Building a training program is work. Building a marketing book is work, but it’s the good work. This is the important thing I wanna say to you. You’re already working hard.

Shouldn’t you be doing the work that’s going to make your work easier? And that’s what spending the time, investing the time and the energy and the money into putting these structures into your in place in your store. This is I mean, it just reaps huge, huge, huge benefits.

Trust me. I know. I’ve been the guy who ran a retail business that was chaotic. That was out of control. I was constantly in the weeds, but I also was a guy who did the work, invested the time and the money, built out the structure, and then reaped the benefits of having that structure. And I can tell you from firsthand experience that it is work, but it’s work worth doing.

So if you have any questions, please put them down below.

Again, I would encourage you to, register for the retail money machine.

And I just wanna say that I’m so happy and proud that the little brilliance owl has been launched.

We are in the process of naming it right now, but you’re going to absolutely love what brilliance can do for your business. Again, all all of your retail training, all in one place.

So I’m Bob, and we’re gonna see you next week.