Bob Negen’s Retail Specific Programs Are Guaranteed To Be A Hit With Your Group!

NEW! Keynote: Re-Imagining Retail

Are you ready to expand your thinking and the way you do business in order to thrive in this ever-changing economy filled with big box stores and eCommerce?

A tremendous opportunity has emerged for local, independent retailers. The rapid increase of formulaic big box stores and impersonal online shopping is presenting a huge demand for personalized service and artfully crafted customer experiences. Great independents that are willing to evolve their stores to meet this growing need will thrive! But, if you cannot quickly adapt and keep up, you will lose out.   

In this powerful, thought-provoking keynote you will learn how to re-imagine your store and create the customer service “magic” needed to succeed in today’s competitive retail market. Bob invites you to truly ask yourself, “What Would My Customer Want?”

Format: 60 Minute

Call us at 800.842.1660 to discuss your event and how Bob’s retail-specific educational programs can best fit your needs.

NEW! Marketing Program: Power Promotions – Drive More Traffic, Build Customer Loyalty and Make More Money With Promotions and Special Events!

Fun, interesting and creative promotions and special events are a tremendous way for you, as an independent retailer, to distinguish your store from big box competition and internet merchants. You get a chance to show your personality!!!

With a robust calendar of promotions you’ll be able to drive traffic, create “buzz” in your community and put LOTS more money in your register!

You’ll learn:

• How to structure your marketing calendar for the most impact.
• How to use the Perpetual Improvement Process to make your events better and easier every year.
• Bob’s absolute FAVORITE events!
• The secret to getting tons of press coverage for your events
• And much, much more…

Customizable Format – Pick A Length: 90 Minute, Half Day, or Full Day

Call us at 800.842.1660 to discuss your event and how Bob’s retail-specific educational programs can best fit your needs.

NEW! Marketing Program: The All Important Customer Experience – Where Staff, Service and Selling Meet

Creating an amazing and memorable customer experience is your secret weapon in today’s competitive marketplace. This program shows you how to unleash the potential of your staff, give them the tools they need to be successful and give your customers the experience they deserve.

You’ll learn:

• The 3 Pillars of an amazing customer experience.
• How to use “The Big Switch” in your store to add massive value for your customers.
• A customer focused philosophy as the basis of running your business.
• Simple tactics to keep your team focused on giving your shoppers an amazing customer experience.
• And much, much more…

Customizable Format – Pick A Length: 90 Minute or Half Day

Call us at 800.842.1660 to discuss your event and how Bob’s retail-specific educational programs can best fit your needs.

NEW! Marketing Program: Stop Show Rooming Dead In Its Tracks!

Are you tired of people coming into your store, sucking up your knowledge and then leaving to buy online for a lower price? Does it make you feel angry, frustrated and defeated?

Yes, Show Rooming is an unpleasant reality of being a brick and mortar store owner, but that doesn’t mean you can’t compete! In this program you will get the strategies, tactics and techniques to stop Show Rooming dead in its tracks!

You’ll learn…

• The single most important thing every small store owner MUST understand to thrive in an ever changing retail environment.
• How to use Show Rooming to your advantage.
• Why adding extreme value is a tool big box stores and online merchants can’t use, but you can!
• How to professionally turn the table on show-roomers who are in your store.
• A super simple, and incredibly effective Loyalty Program that keeps people shopping with you, and not your competition.

Customizable Format – Pick A Length: 90 Minute or Half Day

Call us at 800.842.1660 to discuss your event and how Bob’s retail-specific educational programs can best fit your needs.

NEW! Staff Development Program: Selling, Service, And Success – The Game-Changing Power Of Creating A Service Culture That Sells!

Effective, customer-focused selling is not pushy or rude. It’s not manipulative or dependent on psychological trickery. It is the best customer service tool at the independent retailer’s command! Yet, so many retailers, armed with good intentions, start a sales training program but can’t quite get it to stick.  They know, in their hearts, that there is a lot of money being left on the table but aren’t able to consistently get the most from every transaction.

This program will show you exactly how to move past “training as an event” to an easy to implement system that keeps everyone focused on service, selling and the customer experience.  In other words, creating a service culture that sells.

In this workshop you’ll learn:

• How to effortlessly get every customer to their “perfect purchase.” 
• The 3 steps to creating consistently amazing experiences.
• On the floor, on the fly coaching techniques guaranteed every leader should know.
• What over 90% of retailers are doing wrong and how to avoid these mistakes.
• And much, much more…

You will leave this program with an understanding of exactly what you need to do to give your customers a consistently amazing experience, give your team the tools they need to be successful and, most importantly, put lots more money in the bank.

Customizable Format – Pick A Length: 90 Minute or Half Day

Call us at 800.842.1660 to discuss your event and how Bob’s retail-specific educational programs can best fit your needs.

NEW! Personal Development and Productivity Program: Get Productive!  Experience Less Stress, Have More Fun, And Get More Done!

Are you caught in an almost never ending cycle of “spray and pray” – you put out a fire in your store and pray it doesn’t flare up again? Do you feel like you work harder and harder each year but never seem to get ahead? Has the pressure of running your business taken the joy out of owning it? If you answered “yes” then this program is for you!

This program isn’t academic or generic. It was created by an independent retailer, just like you, to help you run a better business and have a better life!

You’ll learn:

  • How to prioritize work and life.
  • How to dramatically boost your physical energy.
  • Why your beliefs about work, business, and money might be holding you back.
  • A simple secret that will help get the most important work done first.
  • And lots, lots more!

Format: 90 Minute

Call us at 800.842.1660 to discuss your event and how Bob’s retail-specific educational programs can best fit your needs.

Classic Marketing Program: Explode Your Sales – A Powerful Marketing System So Simple It Will Blow Your Mind.

Year after year double-digit sales increases are not pie in the sky fantasy. It’s fairly easy and definitely achievable IF you know what to do. This program will show you how to dramatically increase customer loyalty, foot traffic, and turbo charge sales without spending a fortune!

You’ll leave knowing…

• An amazingly simple way to get new customers without spending a single penny on advertising.
• 5 ways to give a BIG boost to your average sale.
• The secret to turn those pesky donation requests into money in the bank. You’re going to love this one!
• How to create unshakable customer loyalty.
• And much, much more!

This is Bob’s most popular program. It is strongly recommended if you never have had Bob speak to your group before. They will love it!

Customizable Format – Pick A Length: 90 Minute, Half Day, or Full Day

Call us at 800.842.1660 to discuss your event and how Bob’s retail-specific educational programs can best fit your needs.

Classic Marketing  Program: Amazing Strategies, Tactics and Techniques To Get Tons Of NEW Customers For Little or No Money!

WOW or waste: What kind of results are you getting from the money you spend on marketing? If you feel frustrated by the results of your current marketing you MUST attend this session.

You can easily double, triple or multiply by 10 the effectiveness of your efforts to get new customers by using the techniques and concepts outlined in this seminar.

A few of the things you will learn in this session include:

• How a simple gift certificate can be used to get people excited about your store and in the door.
• A killer promotion idea that generated over $100,000 for one small independent retailer. You can use it too!
• How to get other businesses to share their customer lists with you.
• The secret to turn those pesky donation requests into money in the bank. You’re going to love this one!

Customizable Format – Pick A Length: 90 Minute or Half Day

Call us at 800.842.1660 to discuss your event and how Bob’s retail-specific educational programs can best fit your needs.

Classic Marketing Program: Mining Diamonds In Your Own Backyard – How To Get More From The Customers You Already Have.

When you think of growing your business you probably think of ways to bring new customers in the door. But the simplest and most cost effective way to increase your sales is to sell more to the customers you already have! This program teaches you simple, proven methods, to mine your current customer base, the “Diamonds In Your Own Backyard.”

One of the bonus benefits of the techniques in this program is that many of them can be implemented immediately.

In this fun, lively session you will learn:

• Why deepening your relationships with your current customers is much more profitable than advertising to find new ones.
• A simple way to quickly build a huge customer database (this is critical to your long term success!)
• How to dramatically increase customer loyalty – while spending only pennies.
• Simple customer service tricks to keep your customers coming back to you time after time, year after year.
• And much, much more…

Customizable Format – Pick A Length: 90 Minute or Half Day

Call us at 800.842.1660 to discuss your event and how Bob’s retail-specific educational programs can best fit your needs.

Classic Staff Development Program: How To Develop A WhizBang! Staff

A top-notch staff is an independent retailer’s biggest competitive edge. The people on your team are face to face with your customers, either giving them an experience that brings them back or leaves them cold. A great staff doesn’t happen by accident! It’s created by recruiting the right people, training them effectively, disciplining them fairly, and motivating them constantly.

You’ll learn:

• How to “snorkel in the labor pool.”
• The three reasons people don’t do what they are supposed to – and how to solve that problem.
• What to do when an employee “holds you hostage.”
• The secret to consistently great training – every employee, every time you hire.
• The five secrets of successful coaching.
• And much, much more…

This program is ALWAYS a hit, often getting perfect scores on attendee evaluations.

Customizable Format – Pick A Length: 90 Minute or Half Day

Call us at 800.842.1660 to discuss your event and how Bob’s retail-specific educational programs can best fit your needs.

NEW! WhizBang! Retail Boot Camp

A WhizBang! Retail Boot Camp is a half day or full day event that includes elements from several of Bob’s programs. Each is customized to your group so that your attendees get exactly what they need to increase their sales, get more customers, and have more fun in their stores.

WhizBang! Boot Camps can be a deep dive into any subject including marketing or fast sales growth, or it can be a broad overview of several topics.

We suggest hosting a WhizBang! Retail Boot Camp the day before a convention or trade show to enhance attendance and to integrate with other educational opportunities.

Customizable Format – Pick A Length: Half Day or Full Day

Call 800.842.1660 today to discuss creating your customized WhizBang! Boot Camp!