This Episode:​​​ The Neuroscience Of Success

How you think determines what you do, and what you do determines what you get. In this episode of Real Retail TV, I’m sharing one of my all-time favorite videos from the Retail Mastery System to help you kick off 2025 with confidence and clarity!

Now through end of the year, you can save $500 on the Retail Mastery System. Plus, when you invest, you’ll gain access to our exclusive Retail Mastery System Facebook group. Starting January 1st, I’ll be sharing my top 25 video picks, one to watch each day, to give you the momentum you need for an amazing year ahead. Each video is under 20 minutes, packed with actionable insights to keep you inspired and on track. Click the button below to learn more about the Retail Mastery System.

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Hey. It is Bob. It is almost the end of the year. Congratulations. You’ve made it.

I hope that you had an absolutely fantastic holiday season. But so before I get into this is gonna be kind of a this is gonna be a really fun episode of Real Retail TV. I’m going to share with you one of the, videos, a video lesson from the Retail Mastery System. And I’ll explain why this particular video in just a moment.

But the first thing I wanna say is right now, we are in our tax sale. So until the end of the year, there is a big, big, big discount on the Retail Mastery System. And if you’re ready to make twenty twenty five your best year ever, if there are holes in your skill sets that you need to plug or opportunities that you see that you wanna take advantage of, make that investment.

Build the skills. Build your knowledge. Get better. That’s how you build a great tremendous long term business. So there’s a couple things. So the retail mastery system right now, there is a deep, deep, deep discount.

And as always, there is a ninety day unconditional money back guarantee.

So you’ve got ninety days to look it over. And if you’re not thrilled with what you’re learning, call the office. We’ll give you all your money back. So in other words, the upside for twenty twenty five is, woohoo, the downside doesn’t even exist because you can take a look at it, put it on the payment plan. If it’s not working, we’ll give your money back. But in service of the idea of you’re gonna invest in this giant, you know, comprehensive educational program.

What we’re doing in January is there is a special pace Facebook group for the owners of Retail Mastery System. So everybody who has the Retail Mastery System will be able to do this. But, for twenty five days in January, I am going to share a particular lesson from the retail mastery system. I have gone through the entire retail mastery system and curated it. So there’s twenty five of sort of the most valuable, the most insightful, you know, to sort of really get you going and inspired and moving forward on your journey with the retail mastery system. So every single one of the lessons is under twenty minutes. There’s twenty five of them.

You know, I will guide you through it. So, again, if you’re ready to make twenty twenty five the best year ever, if you already have the Retail Mastery System, you’re gonna be hearing all about it. If you don’t, now is the time to invest.

Having said that, the first video from the retail mastery system that I’m going to share with you right now is on the neuroscience of success. So I’m gonna work from the assumption that you wanna make twenty twenty five your best year ever.

How you think will determine what you do, and what you do will determine what you get.

So how you think is the neuroscience. So we’re gonna break down what goes on in your brain, what goes on in your mind, how you can create that mindset that is going to lead you to an absolutely fantastic twenty twenty five. So, I hope that you enjoy this video. It is sixteen minutes long, but it might be some of the best six the best sixteen minutes you’re gonna spend here in twenty twenty four.

So now let’s talk about the neuroscience of success, the science of the brain, and I find this so incredibly interesting. You know, twenty years ago, there was no science around the brain. There was speculation. Now they can really get in there and actually see what’s happening.

What they’re finding out and what they’re learning is so important for us as business people. What they’re learning is that we can affect our brains. We can affect the way that we think. We can change our brains and make our brains and our minds our ally as we move towards success.

You know, before all of these advances in neuroscience, scientists and the medical profession thought that your brain was sort of set. There there it is. But what we’re finding out now is that the brain can change, that the brain can physically change. And this is important. But let me check go back and and back up for one more second here. I forgot something that’s very important. There is a difference between your brain and your mind.

Your brain is the organ. It’s a hunk of flesh that’s sitting there in your skull. Your mind is where all of the thoughts happen.

So minds have thoughts, but really, what are thoughts? They are electrical impulses that are moving through your brain. And so now that scientists have understands understand that we can change our brain, they call it neuroplasticity.

We recognize that we can change our brains. And by understanding that you can change your brain and train your brain to think the right thoughts, you can now dramatically improve the probability that you’re gonna be super successful.

Now let’s just recognize that your mind thinks lots of thoughts, and a lot of them are automatic and subconscious, and they’re determined by your beliefs, beliefs about yourself, beliefs about the world, beliefs that were formed often years ago, many times in childhood.

So a belief is merely a confidence in something that cannot be proven to be true. And we often have beliefs that don’t serve us and should be changed. But until we identify these beliefs and label these beliefs as negative, believe label them as beliefs that don’t serve you, they can’t be changed to beliefs that are positive, beliefs that indeed do serve you. So let’s talk about some examples of good and bad beliefs.

And I’d like you to think about yourself and what types of beliefs you have around these subjects. Because it is really possible that you have bad beliefs, beliefs that need to be changed.

So let’s talk about health and fitness. Here’s a bad belief. Oh, I hate working out.

I hate going to the gym. A good belief? I love to sweat. I love to get out.

I love the way that exercise makes me feel. You see, one belief disempowers you. It doesn’t bring you closer to health and wellness. The other one does.

Same coin, different sides.

Here’s another one. How about self worth? A bad set of beliefs is I’m not smart enough or I’m not good enough or things never ever seem to work out for me.

You know, self worth beliefs are usually determined when you’re a child.

A parent or a teacher says something bad to you at the wrong moment, and it becomes part of the way that you think of yourself.

Remember, a belief is something that’s not necessarily true. So if you have a bad belief about your worth, recognize, understand, start to change it. Here’s a good, an example of good beliefs.

I’m awesome.

I’m smart. Good things always happen to me. When I drive to the grocery store, the parking lot, has always got a space for me right up front.

Good beliefs about your worth will help you become successful.

How about money?

Here’s a set of bad beliefs. Money is the root of all evil, and people who have money are snobs and crooks.

Now I have to tell you that I had really bad beliefs about money for a long time.

You may not know this, but I grew up in poor neighborhoods. My father was a civil rights worker, preacher, and, through elementary school, I lived in Harlem in New York City. And all through high school, I lived in the Las Casitas housing projects in Denver, and we were poor. Everybody we lived with were was poor, and there was a certain romance around our poverty.

And part of that story, part of that belief was rich people are bad. Rich people are holding us down. Rich people can’t be good.

And that’s a problem to have a belief like that if you expect to try to build a successful business, isn’t it? I had to change my beliefs around money.

And I may tell you happily that I’ve changed my beliefs around money. You know what I think now? I think money is awesome. I love money.

I love having money. I love managing money. I love earning money. I love doing the things that make money, putting value into the world.

I love giving money away. Two beliefs about money.

One served me poorly, the other is serving me well.


How do you feel about people?

A bad set of beliefs is people are bad. They’re gonna take advantage of you if they get a chance. Will affect the way you do business, doesn’t it? How about changing that belief to a good belief that and a good belief would be, you know, the vast majority of people are good and decent, and they deserve the benefit of the doubt.

How do you think about the future?

A bad set of beliefs is that there are problems around every corner. I am so worried about what’s going on in my industry. I’m so worried about what’s going on in my town. I’m so worried about what’s going on in the world. It makes me nervous. I’m afraid. I don’t know what I should do.

That’s a bad set of beliefs, not having confidence in the future. It’s hard to be a successful retailer if you don’t have confidence in the future. Let’s take a good look at the a good set of beliefs.

The future is bright. I am super smart, and I know that no matter what happens, I will be able to take advantage of opportunities.

There has never been a better time to be alive.

So the things that go on in your brain and your mind affect your success.

Now let’s talk about a couple things that happened in your brain and in your mind. And the first thing I’d like to share is talk about the reticular activation system.

And the reticular activation system is something that is happening in your brain stem, and the best way to explain it is that it’s a filter.

And that filter will bring into your consciousness whatever it thinks or you thinks is important.

Let me give you an example of the reticular activation system at work. Susan and I wanted to buy a van, and we thought a Honda Odyssey was the van that we wanted to buy.

So since we were interested in a Honda Odyssey, our brain allowed us to see every Honda Odyssey on the road. And we saw every Honda Odyssey. Then, we went and I tried out. We went and sat in it.

I didn’t fit very well in Honda Odyssey, so we went and took a Toyota Sienna for a test drive. Well, guess what? I fit in the Toyota Sienna. So now our brain was not serving up Honda Odysseys.

Our brain was serving up Toyota Siennas.

I’ve never been pregnant, but I have been told that when you’re pregnant that you see every other pregnant person out there.

So just recognize that your reticular activation system is calling up things that the subconscious may deem important. So let me give you an example of how this works for you. So if your belief right now is, I’m not worthy, your reticular activation system is going to find things out there that reinforce that belief. This is why you have to pay attention to what you think because your reticular activation system doesn’t care what you want. It cares about what you believe. So I’m not worthy. And every time you do something wrong, your reticular activation system is going to call it up and bring attention to it.

If you’re pessimistic, your reticular activation system is going to find information that reinforces that belief even though it’s a negative belief. So you have to recognize it, deal with it, and try to replace those beliefs with new beliefs. So just recognize that your reticular activation system is working really hard to reinforce beliefs.

Some of those beliefs empower you, and some of those beliefs disempower you.

It’s your job to change your brain. It’s your job to be conscious of your thoughts. It’s your job to recognize what’s being called up and then to act on it. Reinforce it. If it’s a positive belief, do something else with it. Try to replace it if it’s a negative belief.

The other thing I’d like to share with you is what’s called the psycho cybernetic mechanism. And this is a concept that was developed by Maxwell Maltz back in the late fifties.

And Maxwell Maltz was a very prominent Beverly Hills, plastic surgeon.

But what Maxwell Maltz found was that the people who came into him for plastic surgery kept coming back.

You know, first, they just thought it was a nose. But then once the nose was fixed, they thought it was the eyes, and they just kept coming back. And what Maxwell Maltz realized was it wasn’t the physical beauty. It was their beliefs about their self looks I mean, their self worth or their beliefs about their beauty that needed to change. And so he wrote a best selling book. It’s called Psycho Cybernetics, and it’s been in print continuously since nineteen sixty.

So think about the psycho cybernetic, mechanism as a thermostat.

So it’s the fall, and you set your thermostat at sixty eight degrees. And if the temperature drops below sixty eight degrees, the thermostat tells the furnace to bring it back. Or if it gets too hot, the thermostat will tell your air conditioner to bring it back.

And that setting is your psycho cybernetic mechanism at work. That’s the analogy to use. So the status quo, where you are comfortable, the set of beliefs that you adhere to, anytime you try to stretch yourself, your psycho cybernetic mechanisms going to try to bring you back to that setting.

So let me give you some examples of this at work. So everybody I know knows someone who just can’t seem to get relationships right.

They have beliefs about their worthiness for love, And they find somebody and they meet somebody and things are going great, and they always find a way to screw it up.


This is where they’re comfortable.

This is where their psycho cybernetic mechanism has planted them. And anytime they vary too far, boom, it knocks them back.

You’ve all heard the story about poor people winning the lottery and losing all that money, those millions of dollars in almost no time. It’s because those people, their psycho cybernetic mechanism is telling them that they don’t deserve to have money, that they are poor. And then when they have money, the psycho cybernetic mechanism comes into play and boom, they lose that money.

This happens all the time.

In business, in life, you have beliefs, and you have to change your beliefs. You have to change your brain. Remember, you have the ability to control your thoughts. You have the ability to monitor your thoughts.

And here’s what I really wanna suggest to you. If you want to build that amazing business, I want you to have and you want to have, you have to watch your thoughts. And whenever you catch yourself thinking a thought or, catch yourself buying into a belief that doesn’t serve you. You have to stop.

You have to recognize that that thought or that belief doesn’t serve you, and you have to change it to a thought or a belief that does serve you. That groove in your brain needs to be atrophied. It needs to go away. And the new empowering belief, the new empowering thought, that groove needs to be dug deeper.

Think of yourself as a gardener. Think of your brain as a garden.

Do you wanna have a beautiful garden filled with beautiful flowers and fruits and vegetables? Or do you want a garden that is filled with weeds?

Planting seeds that will bring you to success.

Planting seeds that believe that will lead you to beliefs that will move you forward.

That is the way to build a better business. And on the flip side, if you want to have that beautiful garden, if you want the right thoughts, if you want the right beliefs, you have to weed out the weeds. You have to be vigilant about all of the weeds that are growing in your gardens. You have to pluck them. You have to tend your garden. Your brain and your mind are like a beautiful, beautiful garden.

Make it wonderful.

Make it beautiful.

Allow it. Allow your brain and your mind to take you wherever you want to go. So do you see how this idea of beliefs and how, how they become ingrained in your mind and how when you start to really, really examine your beliefs and you go, woah. Okay. That’s holding me back. Or, oh, this is really pulling me forward. How that works?

So the belief I wanna ask you about, if you don’t have the retail mastery system and you’re thinking about it, but you’re feeling afraid or you’re feeling hesitant, what belief is holding you back? Remember, there’s a guarantee. You’re taking no risk. So if you want to be bold, if you want to make twenty twenty five the best year ever, now is the time to push aside any belief that might be holding you back. Make that investment.

Go through all of the lessons twenty minutes a day for twenty five days in January, and I guarantee you’re going to have a whole different mindset around your business. You’re gonna understand what’s in the retail mastery system. You will be excited and inspired to go out and do the work that you need to do to become a better business, to make twenty twenty five your best year ever. So if you haven’t invested yet, today is the day.

Do it right now. Okay? Alright, everybody. I will see you next year.