Retailers Should Send Thank You Notes After A Sale

Tip #381 – Thank You, Revisited 

Dear Tip of the Weeker,

One of the best ways to start a great customer relationship is to send thank you notes after a sale with a personal, handwritten thank you note. Retailers who do this (and require their employees to do it) report absolutely amazing customer feedback. Customers often call or come back into the store to say thank you for the thank you!

But while handwritten cards or notes have the advantage of being very personal and very professional, they take more time and therefore are more likely to get put off – or not get done at all.

Enter the hottest technologies of the 21st century…

Ways to say “Thank You”:

Send a thank you email as soon as the customer leaves your store.  (You did ask for their email address, right?) How impressed will your customer be to find a personal thank you email waiting for them in their inbox – not just a bulk newsletter?

Send a text message thank you.  If you’ve got their cell number this a fun, fast way to connect.  They could even get your thank you before they’ve made it home!  Our client, Bill Atkins owns a limo service and has been texting his customer ten minutes after they make a reservation. He’s had 100% of his customers text him back with a thank you for the thank you. Great loyalty builder.

Send a message via Facebook if your customer is one of your fans. A Facebook message is like an email, but reminds your customer to check out your fan page.  Plus, most people think of Facebook as a place to connect and chat with friends – which is how you want them to think about you and your business.

Even though Miss Manners might not approve, these technology-delivered “Thank You’s” have two huge benefits.  One: it’s easy so it’s more likely that you and your team will actually send a thank you. And two: your expression of gratitude and warmth gets to the retail customer fast which immediately cements their good feelings about your company.

In the end, it doesn’t really matter what method you use, all that matters is that you say, “Thanks!”

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