Operations Tips for Playing Store Music

Retail Fail – Episode 189: Noisy Toysy

Huh? Whaaat? Can’t hear you…. This retailer is just ridiculous, NOT rockin’! Store music can set a great mood in your store but done incorrectly it can be disastrous

Don’t be a Retail Fail! Check out the rest of the adventures of WhizBang! Bob, saving stores one retail fail at a time.

Selling is ServiceOne of the quickest and easiest ways to add money to your bottom line is by training your staff how to sell.  You can create your own selling culture by teaching your staff how to sell in your training program or you can create a service culture that sells by teaching the "Six Steps to the Perfect Purchase." 

Visit www.retailsalesacademy.com for details on an effortless way to teach the brand new employee or the seasoned professional how to sell and give your customers the service they deserve.