What Event Planners Are Saying About Bob Negen

The scores are in and these retail speaker reviews tell the story. Bob Negen is a knowledgeable, fun, energetic speaker for groups of retail business owners and managers.  

NexPet members LOVE Bob Negen. He’s interesting, he’s funny and, most importantly what he teaches works. One of our members increased his annual sales by more than $300,000 just by using the Cause Marketing strategy Bob teaches! If you are looking for a speaker who can really have an impact on your retailers I strongly recommend Bob Negen.

Barry Berman

Founder, NexPet | A Co-op for Independent Pet Retailers, New York, NY

We’ve never brought a speaker back for a second time, except Bob Negen. We’ve brought him back THREE times. I strongly recommend him to any group that needs a great retail speaker!

Don Morgan

Director, Party Club of America, Ennis, TX

Bob, the results for your 3 sessions are in and it looks like they LOVED you! Explode Your Sales, Marketing Ideas So Simple They’ll Blow Your Mind got a 9.9 out of 10, Turn Your Staff Into A Service Driven, Selling Machine scored 9.7, and How To Develop A WhizBang! Staff got a 9.6. Thanks for helping make this SuperZoo another great event.

Debra Spaulding

Show Coordinator, World Pet Association, Monrovia, CA

Bob Negen’s reputation as a great retail trainer was instrumental in boosting the attendance at our annual International Christian Retail Show’s Retail Academy. He taught real world solutions that retailers, large or small, could implement and benefit from immediately. The Retail Academy received rave reviews from our attendees. What made this event successful was Bob’s willingness to work cooperatively toward a mutually beneficial solution. We look forward to working with Bob for years to come.

Curtis Riskey

Executive Director, CBA | The Association For Chrisian Retail, Colorodo Springs, CO

We agreed to have Bob come and present 6 different classes. I was concerned since we had so much of our program tied up with one speaker. As we went through the planning process I found him very thorough and easy to deal with. When the first session got started, there was standing room only. That simply meant we had the right topic in the program. By the time he got to session 6, he was still filling the room. Many people attended every one of his presentations. That told me we had the right speaker and the right topics. The onsite feedback and written evaluations from our attendees were great. Bob delivered timely, accurate, professional sessions with incredible enthusiasm.  The material was great. Our attendees loved him. We are already looking forward to having him back for more!

Rick Vlahos

Executive Director, Hearth Patio & Barbecue Education Foundation, Arlinton, VA

You are truly amazing. You inspired our dealers, our sales staff, and even our marketing agency with your top-notch performance. Your energy, humor, optimism and a healthy dose of reality reminded our group of the enthusiasm, determination, and resourcefulness it takes to be successful entrepreneurs. They left with a renewed sense of purpose and resolve.

Shirley Howson

Sr. Marketing Manager, Brother International Corporation, Bridgewater, NJ

Bob Negen is one of the best speakers we’ve ever hired. Having been a retailer himself for many years, he thoroughly understands what store owners and managers need to do to be successful in our ever-changing, fast paced Internet age. He is an engaging, high-energy speaker that captivates his audience and presents information in an easy-to-understand, compelling way. I would recommend Bob to any organization.

Colette Fairchild

CEM, CMP, Trade Show Director, H.H. Backer Associates, Chicago, IL

The feedback from our retailers was excellent! The presentation was engaging, dynamic and included real examples that our florists could take home and implement right away. Many of our retailers said that it was just what they needed to kick-start their marketing plans.

Emily Peterson

Director, Marketing and Events, FTD, Downers Grove, IL

One of the smartest things we did this year was to choose you as a speaker for our conference. Your presentations were well-received by our members and your ability to combine humor with good ideas is surely a winning combination. And now I sound like a “groupie” and I guess I am. We think you are great!

Norma L. Ball

Executive Director, Paper First Affiliates, Orlando, FL

Thanks so much for speaking for my Retail Retreat. My store owner/members were thrilled to hear you, and learned so very much. You seem to have your finger on the pulse of small American retail, and know exactly what they need and can use to benefit their business.

TJ Reid

Editor, Fashion Advantage Magazine, Amite, LA

‘Fabulous’ is the word used most to describe Bob as a speaker. His charismatic style of presentation partnered with his real life experience gave the floral shops in attendance so many usable business tools. I would recommend Bob and the WhizBang Boot Camp to any retail group!

Sandy Schroeck

AIFD, PFCI, CFD, Len Bush Roses Wholesale Floral, Minneapolis, MN

‘Outstanding!’ The was the exact feedback received from our franchise owners regarding your presentation. Far and away you had the biggest impact of any speaker Woodcraft has brought in. The content covered was excellent and right on target, but more importantly is the manner in which you presented that content. That is what really made the difference!

Gary Lombard

Vice President, Woodcraft Supply, LLC, Parkersburg, WV

Bob Negen has spoken at the SEMA Show seven times now, and it’s no wonder we keep bringing him back. This year Explode Your Sales got a perfect 5 out of 5 and How To Develop A WhizBang! Staff a 4.95 out of 5. On top of that, he’s extremely professional and a pleasure to work with.

Juliet Marshall

Education Administrator, Specialty Equipment Market Association, Diamond Bar, CA

Thanks, Bob! You made me look like a HERO. As chairperson of the education committee I was concerned that we find a speaker who would be relevant, exciting, and most importantly, practical. You were all that… and more!

Kelly Larson

Executive Director, Great Lakes Ice Cream and Fast Food Association, Swartz Creek, MI

The information you presented was both timely and critical, you delivered excellent takeaways that our independent retailers could easily and readily implement. The attendees were well informed and armed with numerous tips when they left your sessions.

Donna Olaguer

Professional Development Business Manager, National Association of Music Merchants, Carlsbad, CA

Bob Negen is an exceptional presenter and motivator. His in-depth knowledge and motivational tools are beneficial to any retailer who wants to elevate their business and achieve maximum results. His presentation was received with excitement and delivered with a passion that motivated the retailers to put Bob’s plans into action. His evaluations were outstanding!

Larry Schwartz

CEO, Aetrex Worldwide, Inc. Teaneck, NJ

The two sessions that you presented at the OFA Short Course were a big hit! Of the over 25 sessions presented this year by our industry’s top trainers, your workshops were rated #2 and #4 by the attendees. Comments included: ‘This session alone should increase sales enough to pay for the entire trip.’ and ‘Awesome session. I left inspired!’ We look forward to working with you again.

Michelle Gaston

Director of Professional Development , Ohio Florist Association, Columbus, OH

Thank you for helping to bring such great educational programming to the San Francisco International Gift Show. Your Explode Your Sales workshop was the best workshop on retail! Your workshop brought insight, experience, and innovative ideas to the attendees

Stacy L. Heiss

Director of Marketing, Western Exhibitors Inc., San Francisco, CA

Bob spoke at our last convention, and we had dozens of attendees state he was not only the best speaker they have heard at a National Nutritional Foods Association event, but he was the best speaker they have EVER heard! High praise I know, but Bob really delivers on topics like marketing for retailers, effective hiring practices, and my personal favorite, Why Won’t People Do What I Want Them To Do.

Don Eurich

President, Eurich Management Services, Lansing, MI

Thanks so much for being a presenter at our show. I have received nothing but over the top positive comments from our members and staff, even those who questioned what can a (past) kite store owner could bring to our members.

Joe Myers

Membership Services Manager, Progressive Affiliated Lumbermen, Inc., Grand Rapids, MI

If you want your people to leave your next convention or conference fired up and loaded with money-making strategies that are absolutely sure to work in their business, then you want Bob Negen as your speaker.

Make your next meeting your best yet and book Bob Negen today! Call us at 800.842.1660.