Twelve Retail Resolutions To Make This Year

Hopefully these important retail business resolutions will become habits because these resolutions represent the traits we all need if we want to achieve long-term, big-time success.

12 New Year’s Retail Resolutions:

  1. I will never, ever, take my retail customers for granted.
  2. I will work exceptionally hard to establish and proactively develop relationships with all my customers. I will ask every person if they would like to be on my mailing list, and I will regularly communicate how shopping at my store will make their life better, save them money, and tell them about the many other wonderful benefits of shopping with me.
  3. I will be proud of my retail successes and will use them to create momentum to build an even better, more successful, more profitable retail business.
  4. I will spend more time training and coaching my retail staff.
  5. I will make a habit of catching, praising and rewarding my staff for “doing things right.”
  6. I will turn my staff into a sales machine. We will be out on the floor, talking to customers, making sure they are getting the service they deserve and helping them understand why we provide the best value in town.
  7. I will keep my windows washed, the snow shoveled, the cigarette butts picked up in the parking lot, the floors vacuumed, the fixtures neat and my counter clean. These little things make a BIG impression. I will always remember, “Retail is detail.”
  8. I will manage my inventory like my business depends on it (which it does!)  I will never run out of best sellers and my “dogs” will get marked down and sent down the road. I will spend time this year learning the “nuts and bolts” of how to buy properly.
  9. I will take responsibility for my part in the things that don’t work. I will not blame my staff, the economy, our government, my chamber of commerce, my trade association or the competition. I will “pack my own parachute.” I WILL NOT WHINE. It won’t change one doggone thing.
  10. I will constantly learn and improve. I will pay attention to what works and why. I will apply what I’ve learned to make everything I do better, easier and more profitable.
  11. I will respond to stress with action. Every time I feel stressed out, I will immediately find a way to solve the problem and act. I will do something positive.
  12. I will have fun. I will make my professional life a wonderful adventure – not always easy, but always worthwhile. Hey, if I’m going to spend at least a third of my life someplace you can bet I’m going to enjoy it!

For more information on how to turbo-charge your store, check out the Retail Mastery System.


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