What Retailer Store Owners Are Saying About Motivational Speaker Bob Negen…

Thank you for your fantastic event. I will head back to Utah with a burning desire to do better! I brought five people to the training, bought the entire Retail Mastery System, the book, and have consulted with two WhizBang! partners, so I guess you could say I am all in!

Thanks again for everything. You guys are great and I am excited to share my future success.

Jared St. Clair

Vitality Nutrition, Bountiful, UT

Bob Negen really knows what works for independents! He’s fun to listen to, really gets you thinking and, most importantly, he gets you motivated to go out and do what you’ve learned. Even after close to 20 years in the music industry, Bob gave me the kick in butt I needed to move our business forward. Go see him speak and you’ll be glad you did!

Mark McKenzie

Auburn Guitar Shoppe & The Auburn School of Music, Auburn, AL

I was very pleased with the Staff Development workshop. Now I know how to ask for what I need when interviewing for new employees. Other members of our staff came back with very insightful and helpful customer service tips which we have already put into practice. I can’t believe the great responses we are getting from our customers!

Terri Jason

Keller & Stein Florist & Greenhouse, Canton, MI

Heard you speak and was very impressed by the very actionable items which you laid out in your presentation. You got through to two of my team members with whom I have struggled to train in a big way.

Within a few days of getting back from the show, my sales showed definite signs of day-to-day improvement in sales without spending any additional advertising dollars. I received numerous compliments that week from people who perceived our service as greatly improving over their last visit.

Thanks for redirecting me after 13 years of doing things, very often differently, but not always efficiently.

Kevin Smith

Elite Runners & Walkers, McKee Rocks, PA

Bob encouraged me to GO BIG with a promotional idea and my first thought was ‘you’ve got to be kidding me!’ But I took the plunge and created a wonderful promotion that brought in A LOT of new customers, got amazing publicity and generated thousands and thousands in extra sales.

Laurie Veet

The Cigar Box, Hazelton, PA

We attended the full day conference and I immediately wanted to run home and implement everything I had soaked up. So much valuable information! I can’t wait to attend the Retail Success Summit in June.

Donna Stout

Main Street Market, Mt Washington, KY

Thanks so much for sharing all the information you gave us!  It was worth taking a day out from setting up the new shop to attend the session – so many great ideas!  I am filled with education and inspiration!

Tom Henderson

Downing Hill Garden Studio, Richarson, TX

I am so looking forward to attending another of Bob’s seminars! Heading into our 22nd year, my store has gone through a wonderful transformation! Thank you for all your positive unending uplifting drive of energy. Your program has given new life to my store, my staff, myself… and our customers love us!

Deborah Reardon

Rider's Crossing, Rexford, NY

We have been so motivated since your presentation! Thanks to your inspiration, we have met with a local scrapbook house and are now partnering with them to teach classes and offer our products to their customers! You have inspired us to CHANGE and it feels great!

Melanie Hyatt

Kit-A-Licious Page Kits, Baton Rouge, LA

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you are the reason I am still in business and part of the reason I am up 47% from just 2 years ago. When people say even is the new up, I just want to laugh, but don’t because that would be rude. I am a huge fan, which is why I recommended Bob to our local Chamber. His seminars teach retailers how to run a successful business!

Leslie Neilson

Inspired Living Home Accessories, Boyne City, MI

Great speaker! No one can teach better than one who has ‘been there – done that.’ Bob has!

Keith Quimby

Don's Vacuum Villa, Layton, UT

Wow! Here are simple, yet powerful and effective tools that can easily and immediately be implemented in my business.

Robin Allen

Forever Books, St. Joseph, MI

Very enthusiastic and energetic. I was skeptical at first, but your energy and references to real life situations brought it straight to my level.

Pam McCardle

Haig Jewelers, Rochester, MI

I told my supervisors I need to hear you speak once a month to keep up my motivation. Your enthusiasm is contagious. Thank you! 

Barb Belgoyen

Walters Gardens, Zeeland MI

Thanks, Bob, for helping me realize that it IS possible to build my sales without spending a gazillion dollars in traditional advertising. After 14 years in the gift basket business I had become complacent and stale. You have inspired me.

Diana Singer

The Gift Basket Cottage, Elmsford, NY

If you want your people to leave your next convention or conference fired up and loaded with money-making strategies that are absolutely sure to work in their business, then you want Bob Negen as your speaker.

Make your next event your best one yet and call us at 800.842.1660 to book Bob Negen today!