Bob Negen
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Bob Negen


Susan Negen
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Susan Negen


Bob always says, “Hire for Attitude, Teach Skills.” We were lucky enough to recruit top-notch attitudes AND skills in each of our team members.

Aubrey Tell
Operation Manager, Staff Wrangler, Bob Tracker

Aubrey Tell

Business Operations Manager

Belinda Clark-Reid
Customer Service Manager, Cat Wrangler, Yoga Star

Belinda Clark-Reid

Customer Service Manager

Paige Tober
Business Development Director, Mastermind Wrangler, Real Estate Mogul

Paige Tober

Events & Strategic Partnerships Manager

Nathan Beighley
Digital Media Manager, Tech Nut, Sea Captain

Nathan Beighley

Digital Media Manager

Indy Anna Huggett
Social Media Manager, Organic Genius, Influencer

Indy Anna Huggett

Social Media Manager

In the office, at the Retail Success Summit, or giving back to the community… at WhizBang! Retail Training there is no such thing as too much FUN!