Transform Your Marketing in Just 4 Days
Multiply Sales, Drive Traffic, and Build Lasting Success!

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LIVE & VIRTUAL: January 7-10, 2025, Registration Is Now Open

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Marketing is the engine that drives sales. Plain and simple.

If you don’t have customers walking through the door or visiting your website… Your fantastic assortment of products won’t turn into money. Your amazing staff won’t have anyone to sell to. Your beautiful displays won’t entice anyone to buy.

And just hoping that customers show up is not a good marketing strategy. The “field of dreams” is fiction. Just opening your doors doesn’t mean customers will walk through them.

You need a marketing plan.

A roadmap. A straight line that connects your store to all the money that’s out there being spent on whatever it is you sell.

And not just a random, scattershot bunch of ideas. What you need is an integrated plan organized into an actionable timeline filled with proven methods and to…

  • Leverage all of your strategic advantages (do you know what they are?)
  • Attract new customers in effective, engaging ways,
  • Develop deep, meaningful (and profitable!) customer relationships,
  • Use social media more creatively,
  • Energize your vibrant community of raving fans,
  • Generate buzz that turns into sales,
  • Use your website to generate deeper loyalty,
  • And SO much more.

It’s not just promotions and discounts. It’s not just social. It’s not just advertising. It’s not just e-commerce. It’s not just special events. It’s not just reviews and word-of-mouth.

It’s ALL of it working together in a coordinated, strategic way that gives you super-sized results.

In other words… You’re gonna be POP-U-LAR!

If you are ready to create an amazing 2025, then we are excited to invite you to join us for the Marketing Mentor Program!

“This course challenged me to look at the marketing money I am spending, pushed me to think outside the box, and has far exceeded my expectations! I loved all the ideas and I’m fired up, ready to start implementing my new marketing strategy! I already have implemented better content into my weekly emails and have positive feedback from customers.” 

Merrie Wilent

Quilter's Corner in Ithaca, NY

Whether your marketing plan needs an upgrade, requires a complete overhaul, or has yet to be created… the 2025 Marketing Mentor Program is for you!

In this LIVE, VIRTUAL event you will discover the right strategies for your business, choose the right combination of marketing tactics, and put together a new marketing plan that will get people visiting your store who are eager to BUY.


As a member of the Marketing Mentor Program, you’ll get…

4 Focused Days of Learning, Thinking, and Doing

Taking place on January 7-10, 2025 from 12 noon to 5 pm Eastern Time, we’ll lead you through a structured, systematic process for building your marketing plan that has been honed over nearly 20 years. You’ll get the expertise and insights we’ve gained from working with literally thousands of independent store owners – and from owning an indie retail business for 19 years. This program is not academic theory or untested ideas. It is proven, practical, real-world marketing specifically for indie store owners.

A Fully Integrated & Thoughtful Marketing Plan

If you are focused and do the work with us, you will have a fully outlined annual plan at the end of our four days together (although probably not fully fleshed out with every detail in place). Let us help you build a plan that’s right – and right-sized – for you. This plan is the foundation of every marketing plan you will write for years to come. That’s right. The work you do during these 4 days will keep paying dividends, well, pretty much forever.


Your Marketing Plan Template, Organizers, Swipe Files, Forms, & Checklists

These are practical, useful tools you can customize then use and reuse for many years in the future. These resources alone are worth the price of registration!


The Brilliant Marketing Minds Of Your Classmates

The magic of the “mastermind” happens when a group of smart, dedicated, focused business owners gather together to accomplish a mission. We don’t know exactly how it happens; just that it does. EVEN VIRTUALLY. In this interactive class format, you’ll be working together to solve problems, share ideas, lend support, and give advice. You’ll learn from them (as well as us) and they’ll learn from you. You may even meet your new retail BFF!

Finally, You’ll Have Access To Bob – Your Marketing Mentor…

Bob Negen has personally coached all kinds of retailers – from small, single stores to huge 80-store retail businesses. Bob has helped store owners in over 40 different industries – from apparel to zoo gift shops. Let him help you. He’ll answer your questions, give you feedback, offer suggestions, and guide you along your way.

“The Marketing Mentor Program forced me to step back and look at the big picture. It helped me put in process structures that will continue down the line for future planning and evaluating which will result in increased sales and profit.”

Eddi Miglavs

MudPuddles & Books in Sherwood, OR

Plus, you’ll get our…

Better-Than-Money-Back Guarantee

It’s simple. If, by the end of the first day of the class, you don’t think it’s worth every penny if you don’t think what you’ll learn will increase your sales by at least 10X your investment in the program, or if you’re just not happy with it for ANY REASON – let me know and we’ll refund your entire registration fee PLUS $500.

BOOM. Why would we offer this crazy guarantee? Simple. We’ve done this for nearly 20 years and we know the ideas in this program can help you increase traffic and sales – even by the end of the first day.

So, how much?

The combined value of everything you’ll learn in the Marketing Mentor Program is enormous. Especially when you think about the fact that it won’t just make you money THIS year, it will keep making you money year, after year, after year. The cumulative effect is business-changing – even life-changing.

Register Now For Just $1497

Just ONE idea, or ONE promotion, or ONE new concept could pay for this program, 10X, (no brainer!), 50X (extremely do-able), or even 100X (it has happened!) on this small investment.

At this price it’s a no-brainer. You have every reason in the world to register NOW with absolutely no risk on your part.


Of course, we’ll be there to mentor you and answer questions during the four days of the Marketing Mentor Program. But we want to do more. So as a special BONUS addition to the Marketing Mentor program 2025, Bob is going to offer a…

Personalized Marketing Plan Review

Complete your annual plan within the month following the LIVE program, submit it via email, and you’ll get a personal video review of your plan from Bob highlighting its strengths, offering suggestions, and giving actionable feedback to make sure you’re set up for success.

Please, let Bob be your Marketing Mentor!

When you have the right plan, driving traffic and making sales is stunningly simple. And that is what we will build together in the Marketing Mentor Program. The right plan for your business. A plan that fits your current bandwidth. A plan that highlights your strengths as a marketer. The right plan for you.

“I expect my business to GROW as a result of taking the Marketing Mentor Program. It has made me stop all the day-to-day craziness, sit down, and FOCUS in an analytical streamlined way. And it doesn’t stop when class is over. I have enjoyed the interactions with fellow retailers because we share such great ideas! Bob is committed to our SUCCESS and I know he’ll always have my back!

Vicki Adrian

Adrian's Boutique in Buhler, KS

“I’ve learned so much about headlines, writing out my ideas, budgeting, etc. The tools Bob gave me are so useful. He is a GREAT MENTOR!!”
Linda Macchiarolo

Town Peddler Craft & Antique Mall in Livonia, MI

“This has changed the way I look at marketing and gave me hope that marketing really does work. I now have the confidence to take more risk because I see the big picture. This was a huge paradigm shift for me! I now see the lifetime value of my customers beyond single sales. Plus it was fun!”

Cynthia Bragdon

Urban Indigo in Castro Valley, CA