Guarantee Information

We Want You To Be 100% Satisfied With Your Investment!

The Retail Mastery System is guaranteed for 90 days and the Retail Sales Academy for 30 days. If you are not fully satisfied with your purchase, for any reason, you may ask for a full refund of your payments. No questions asked.

For live events, if you are not fully satisfied by the content or quality of the event, you may request a full refund of the ticket price you paid. Simply tell a member of the WhizBang! Team that you’d like a refund by the end of the first day of the event. Our team will then contact you via email once the event is over to process your refund.

For online courses, if you are not fully satisfied by the content or quality of the information, you may request a full refund of the price you paid. Simply call or email us within 30 days of your purchase and our team will provide you a full refund of your purchase price.

If you have ANY questions about our guarantee, please contact us at 800.842.1660 or email us at