This Episode:​ Do The Things The Big Brands Can’t Or Won’t Do

I could tell you hundreds of stories about independent retailers doing extraordinary things. So what makes these stories so powerful? It’s because these retailers are doing the things the big brands and big box retailers can’t or won’t do.

Retail giants and chains don’t have the same relationship with the community that independent retailers do. Instead of trying to compete, you need to realize that there is something incredibly special about the Mighty On Main Street mentality that puts independents in a league all of their own.

Next week, Susan and I will be premiering this full keynote replay from the Retail Success Summit LIVE on Facebook. We’ll be chatting and answering questions as we watch it together. We hope to see you there!

Ready to take your store to the next level? All of the replays (including my keynote) from this year’s Retail Success Summit are now available to purchase. For the first time ever, we were able to also provide replays from each of the breakout sessions with the top retail experts in the industry. Click the button below to get access now.