Store Signage

Store Signage

Retail Fail – Episode 245: The Sound of Signage – Video – No, no, NO! This poor fella just can’t seem to do anything right. Maybe he should read the store signs… Or maybe the snarky signs have got to GO! Great store signage can influence your customers in a positive way. Poor stoor signage is influencing too, maybe not the way you want it to be. How is your store signage affecting your customers’ experience?

Problem Employees

Problem Employees

Do you have a person (or two, or three) in you company who is making life miserable for you, negatively affecting the morale of your staff, and even giving bad customer service? Maybe they have been working with you for years, maybe they are a relative, or maybe they have specialized knowledge about your business. They think that you don’t have the guts – or the ability – to let them go.

Small Business Tips

Small Business Tips

If you are like most store owners and small business people we speak to, you are feeling a little (or maybe more than a little) nervous about the future of your business and the business community you belong to. And with good reason. Some businesses won’t make it through …

Retail Customer Service

Retail Customer Service

There has never been a better time to be a specialty retailer. The Boston Globe recently published a study with some very good news for us. They polled consumers and found that more than 85% of people preferred to shop at their local stores. It’s true – customers want to shop with you! You have a face, you can remember their names and what they like to buy, you can make them feel special.

Customer Relationships

Customer Relationships

You can use electronic marketing to build an “emotional bank account” with your customers. Learn exactly how to think about social media and electronic marketing so you can create customer relationships that encourage people to shop with you.

Winter Store Tip

Winter Store Tip

Retail Fail – Episode 347: Winter Blunderland – Video – This video winter store tip shows: Mountains of snow. Icy slick sidewalks. Can this customer overcome all obstacles? Will she actually make it to the store? Or is there a trip to the emergency room in her future…