Retail Marketing – A Clear Call To Action

Retail Marketing – A Clear Call To Action

One of the biggest mistakes store owners make in their marketing materials is not giving a clear “call to action.” You can’t just hope that folks will read your postcard, visit your website, or see your Facebook ad and figure out for themselves what to do. As I’ve said before, hope is not a marketing strategy! Make sure that postcard, or webpage, or Facebook ad shouts “Hey! Do THIS!”

Here are 5 tips for creating an effective call to action:

Retail Store Disaster Planning

Retail Store Disaster Planning: No one wants to think about the bad stuff that can happen in life, but the truth is that it could happen to you. You can’t always keep bad stuff from happening. But you can take precautions to minimize the effects on your business and your life.

Holiday Retail Returns

The Holiday rush is over. You’ve got that great feeling of relief and accomplishment and you’re starting to think about what you’re going to do with all the hard-earned money you made from your Holiday sales. And then they start…returns.

Retail Sales Training

Passion for your product isn’t enough. It’s through the act of selling that your awesome merchandise gets from your shelves into the hands of your customers. Great selling leads to higher sales for you and a better, more satisfying experience for your customer.

Increase Retail Sales

Learn a variety of tips and strategies designed to improve your overall business, and increase your retail sales from retail expert, Bob Negen.