
Finally! An Easy To Use Training Program That Teaches Your Employees To Add On Like Pros & Makes YOU Lots of Money

Dear Store Owner,

If your staff isn’t adding on successfully with every single customer, you’re leaving lots, and I do mean lots, of money on the sales floor.

Little piles of missed money, just accumulating one customer after another… and you can’t afford to lose those sales right now. No one can.

Here’s the simple truth: Getting your team to add on skillfully is the cheapest, easiest, and most efficient way to quickly build your sales. I know, because it worked for me.

Let me tell you a story…

Back when I first opened my store I struggled to increase sales. No, it wasn’t a global pandemic, but still, times were tough. My store, the Mackinaw Kite Company, was one of only a handful of kite stores in the entire world (no one needs a kite!) and I opened it in a summer town with a super short selling season.

Every. Customer. Counted. Just like now.

By sheer enthusiasm and energy, my brother and I managed to sell something to most people that came into the store, and our average sale was a little over $20. Not quite enough to cover expenses and still buy beers at my favorite local watering hole, the Keyhole Bar…

Then one day, I found this silly little toy – a whistling balloon helicopter – that retailed for $1.99. I blew up the balloon and flew them for every single customer and to my delight, at least half the people bought one!

That means I increased my average sale by $1 or in other words, my total sales went up by 5% just by adding on one single (inexpensive) impulse item. Now I could have beers AND burgers at the Keyhole!

Selling those whistling balloon helicopters got me thinking about adding on other stuff too. What could I add on when I sold a kite? What other fun little toys could I add on at the register?

Pretty soon I was showing add ons with every sale. And it was awesome!

My customers loved that I showed them all the cool stuff we carried and they bought lots of it. They were happy. And of course, I was really happy.

But there was a problem…

I was adding on like crazy, but my employees weren’t.

It wasn’t that they were lazy or didn’t care. They just didn’t know how to do it. You see, I assumed since I had figured it out that they would automatically figure it out too.

I was wrong.

They needed step-by-step instruction. They needed to be shown how to add on. What to add on. When to add on. WHY to add on! They needed a deeper understanding of the whole subject.

They needed training.

And guess what?

It worked. My training worked. My average ticket went WAY up, my customers were happy, and my team had more fun.

And what I learned will work for you too.

But before we go on, please let me introduce myself…

My name is Bob Negen and for 40 years I have worked in independent, brick and mortar retail. For 20 years I owned a chain of kite and toys stores and for the next 20 years my wife and partner Susan and I have owned one of the world’s premier retail training companies, WhizBang! Retail Training.

We don’t work with department stores or big-box chains. We only work with small to mid-sized brick and mortar retailers like you.

In that time, I have trained tens, maybe even hundreds of thousands of on-the-floor employees to be confident, skilled, customer-focused retail sales professionals.

And there’s one thing I know for sure, without a properly trained team, you’re missing money every single time someone shops with you.

But, how much $$$ are you leaving on the sales floor?

Let’s just find out how big YOUR missed money piles could be…

Do a little exercise with me, take your annual sales and figure 5% (the amount I increased my sales JUST by adding on the whistling balloon helicopter). If you are a $500K a year business, that number is $25,000, a million dollar a year business, it’s $50,000, a ten million dollar a year biz, $500,000!!!

And that’s what you could be missing if each and every employee isn’t adding on successfully with every single customer.

Now, you know what they say. I can’t guarantee you an increase of 5% just by training your team to add, but I’ve seen it happen.

In fact, I’ve seen increases of way more than 5%. Some people get 10%. 15%. Even 30% increases or more.

But let’s not quibble about the numbers. Let me ask you the question in a different way… If you could easily increase your sales without doing a lot of work or spending a lot of money would you do it?

Of course, you would!

This is why I’m so excited to tell you about The Add-On Master Class!

The Add On Master Class makes it drop-dead simple to train your team to be masters of the add on sale.

It’s an easy, step-by-step guide to training your people how to add-on and feel comfortable and confident doing it with every customer!

And, because I’ve made the training process simple and easy it won’t take very much time to get your team adding on like a pro and putting lots of extra cash in your register!

In fact, watching all five video lessons in The Add-On Master Class will take you less than 30 minutes.

When I was creating this course, I had two options:

I could make it long and involved. Or, I could make it short, powerful, and to-the-point.

I know how busy you are. I know all the plates you have spinning in the air. I understand how many things you have to do. (Remember, I spent 20 years running a retail business just like you!)

This is why I chose the second option.

I wanted The Add On Master Class to be a concentrated dose of the highest quality, money-making information.

That’s why it’s so short (less than 30 minutes), but still contains everything you need to see the sales increases you want.

Training your team isn’t hard, and doesn’t take a lot of time if you know what to do and if you have the right tools…

In The Add On Master Class, you’ll get five short, easy to digest video lessons:

Lesson One: “Let’s Get Started” (less than 6 minutes long)

You’ll learn about The Perfect Purchase, a term I coined to describe that wonderful feeling your customer gets when what they’ve purchased fits them like a glove.

When they leave your store with everything they want and need – and maybe some cool stuff they didn’t know they wanted or needed but are happy they got it anyway!

For a lot of folks, watching this video and starting to understand this simple, yet profound concept is the beginning of a game changing shift in the way they look at retail selling. They start to see how this customer-focused selling philosophy truly is the key to higher sales and happier customers.

Lesson Two: “Adding On During The Sale” (a little over four minutes long)

In this lesson, you’ll start to see how your investment in The Add On Master Class is going to make you LOTS of money.

I’ll show you the two types of Add On techniques to use during the main part of the sale – when you’re selling your customer the main piece of merchandise your customer’s buying decision revolves around.

You’ll learn how to think about “need to have” add ons and “nice to have” add ons and why applying both of these ideas is a tremendous way to build your average ticket and make your customers very happy!

These distinctions are subtle and easy to overlook. In fact, it took me years of time and countless (and I do mean countless!) customer interactions to figure this stuff out.

Lesson Three: “Adding On At The Register” (less than 5 minutes long)

There are three main things to look for when you choose the impulse items at your counter. Get one or two of these right and you’ll do ok. Get all three right and you’ll CRUSH it.

In this lesson, I share how one of our clients applied what you’re going to learn and added over $10,000 to her holiday sales with just one item.

Lesson Four: “Using Your Awesome Add On Poster” (6 minutes long)

This full-sized, reusable poster is the secret sauce to training your team.Bob Negen - Add On Master Class

Using the Awesome Add Ons poster gets your team thinking about adding on at a much, much deeper level. This poster keeps them mentally involved, keeps their heads in the game, and keeps them committed to adding on.

Lesson Five: “Next Steps” (exactly 6:46 minutes long)

In this final lesson, you’ll learn how to track your team’s progress by watching a key retail selling statistic: “items per sale.”

When you pay attention to something, your team will naturally pay attention to it. By using the advice in this lesson you’ll keep your team excited to add on and you’ll get excited about all the extra cash in your bank account.

There you have it… five short lessons that will lead your team to add on mastery. It’s not difficult, it doesn’t take a lot of time, and it can make you a lot of money.

What’s not to love?

The Way I See It, You Have 3 Options:

Option #1:Take no action. Keep doing things the way you’ve always done them. Of course, you’re leaving all those piles of missed money on the sales floor. But that’s up to you.

Option #2: Develop your own training program. This option is better than Option #1, but will you actually sit down and take the time to make your own complete training program? Will it really get done? And even if it gets done are you sure it will be better than what you’ll find in the The Add On Master Class?

Option #3: Invest inThe Add On Master Class. I’ve done all the work for you. It’s proven, it’s worked for thousands of retail employees, and best of all, it’s done and ready to use right now.

Get started right NOW!

There is literally nothing else on the planet that will take you by the hand and show you the exact steps you need to take to train your people how to add on. To get started right away, click the button below, enter your details, and you’ll get immediate online access to The Add On Master Class.

A “No Brainer” At Only $97!

Like I shared earlier, getting your team to add on skillfully and consistently is the fastest, easiest way to build your average ticket and your overall sales and investing in The Add On Master Class is the fastest, easiest way for you to train your team.

At only $97 you will probably pay for your investment in the first week, maybe even the first day.

But, Today You Can Get It For Only $47!

Yep, right now you can get The Add On Master Class for only $47. So act today.

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Try The Add-On Master Class. Watch the videos and apply what you learned. Put up the poster and watch the results.

If you don’t love it, just let me know in 30 days and I’ll refund every penny of your money. No questions asked. No hassles, no fine print, no funny business. That’s how confident I am that you’ll love this course.

So, here it is in a nutshell…

  • Training your team to successfully add on means BIG sales increases.
  • The Add On Master Class is under 30 minutes – less time than it takes to watch an episode of Real Housewives Of Topeka.
  • It would be a steal at the regular price of $97, but it’s an absolute “no brainer” at only $47.
  • You get a 30-Day Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee.

Don’t wait. Register NOW.

To your success,


Bob Negen
Retail Expert, Speaker, Author, Creator of The Add On Master Class

P.S. I know you are super busy. But making money is what you’re trying to do so why not pick the low-hanging fruit?

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