Never Run Out Of Content Ideas For Your
Retail Store Again!

More Ideas. Less Struggle. Download your FREE matrix today!

Social Media Matrix GraphicIn the omni-experiential world of retail, having a strong social media presence is more important than ever. In fact, it may be where new customers are first introduced to your store. But, coming up with new creative ideas for posts each day can drive you crazy, which is why we created the WhizBang! Social Media Matrix. With over 100+ content ideas that can be used in thousands of different ways, this map will be your go-to guide when planning your social media content.


The WhizBang! Social Media Matrix is completely FREE with no catches, and in addition you will be automatically signed up for our Tip-of-the-Week. We will never, ever, share your email address with anyone. Ever. Period. And you can unsubscribe at any time.

About WhizBang! Retail Training

bob and Susan Negen

Over twenty years ago Bob and Susan Negen founded WhizBang! Retail Training to help retailers, store owners and managers get the nuts-and-bolts skills they need to run a successful business. In those twenty+ years they have worked with hundreds of thousands of retailers, developed numerous courses for retail owners, managers and employees, written a best-selling book on retail marketing, and created the world's largest educational conference for independent retailers, the Retail Success Summit.

Bob and Susan’s skills and real-world perspective come from over 40 years of combined on-the-floor retail experience. Bob founded the Mackinaw Kite Co., an award winning chain of kite and toy stores, and ran them for 19 years. Susan started her retail career as an executive at Bloomingdale’s and Macy’s, before she joined Bob at the Mackinaw Kite Co.

Together they have a knockout one-two punch of sophisticated big business skills and street-smart small business experience.